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Because of the anointing

(the yoke no longer fits )

By Randy Stephen Scott

And it shall come to pass in that day ,that his burden shall be taken away from off
they shoulder ,and his yoke from off they neck , and the yoke shall be destroyed
because of the anointing. Isaiah 10 :27.
     You will need the anointing of God to do the work God has called you to do.
To many are trying to do the work of God with out the Holy Ghost in their lives.
With out power from on high your just dust .You must have  the power of God
as you go forward to trample the devil under foot. On the day of Pentecost the
hundred and twenty was filled with the real Holy Ghost. They waited before
God in prayer and fasting. They waited till the Wind of the Holy Ghost blew
on them and filled them with the good Holy Ghost. As you fast you keep the Wind
of the Holy Ghost blowing upon you.
      The anointing of faith will increase. You'll find the yokes that once had you in bondage
no longer fits you at all. You'll find the yoke has been destroyed because of the anointing
of God upon your life. The anointing is not for you to feel good. It's to help people come out their
bondages. Now you'll find as you're living in the word of God fasting and praying
the anointing is coming upon you greater and greater to do the work of God.
That which is in the dark will be light. In other words you'll know what the enemy
is plotting   for you.
There is no short cut to the power of God. You need the true gifts of God in this hour
to see and hear what the spirit is saying to the church. Except a corn of wheat die it abides alone.
Jesus said. Now Jesus is our example into the power of God. There is no other way.
If you want to be effective in spreading the good news. They spoke with other tongues on the day of Pentecost. All that are truly filled with the Holy Ghost will speak with other tongues when
you're filled with the true Holy Ghost. Yeild to the Holy Ghost in praise and worship and be filled.
You will not speak in tongues at will ,but as the Holy Ghost moves upon you to speak.
Those that are speaking against the Holy Ghost are on very dangerous grounds.
 Christian Gospel Tracts

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    It's time to trample the devil under foot.

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