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Jesus is Coming Soon !!!

Jesus is coming soon

by R.S.Scott

Let not your heart be troubled: John 14:1

Jesus suffered for us .He suffered pain and sorrows as he walked among men He gave them love,and they returned it with hate.He gave them his heart,and they took His life.Jesus paid the price for every human being,but such a few have really accepted Jesus ,such a few have really honored Jesus.Jesus suffered bleed and died,then He rosed again that we might have eternal life.Jesus paid it all.

When Jesus gave you his love and you accepted his love with eternal life in it,you accepted full responsibility to get the Gospel to the ends of the earth, before Jesus comes.Know that Jesus ,His coming is nigh at hand.It's at the very door. Open your eyes and you will see the endtime signs now all being fulfilled. Let not your heart be troubled,or afraid.Just know redemption draweth nigh. He's coming for those that are looking for him without spot or wrinkle.Are you ready for the Rapture or will you be left behind to go through the tribulation?

"Therefore be ye also ready:for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh."John 24:44.Yes Jesus will come in an hour you think not.Jesus is coming soon. In the twinkling of an eye ,soon many that are ready will be changed.There are those that will say we've heard this for years .But now the endtime signs of His coming are everywhere. This is the Rapture generation.The Lord will come in our day.Pray this prayer with me now:Oh God:Save my soul!I am so sorry that I sinned against you,but I have come home.I will serve you,Lord,the rest of my life.I believe in the blood of Jesus.I believe in all the powers that are in the blood of Jesus,and I know there is power to wash away all of my sins,no matter what I've done.I know the powerful blood of Jesus will wash away every sin,and I will be free for time,free for eternity.I will always trust in the blood and live pure, and holy through the blood of Jesus,through the powers in the blood .And I believe the Jesus blood ,the divine blood from heaven washes away all of my sins. .Come into my heart,Jesus!If you meant that prayer,He has come.Praise God,your sins are gone!Praise God for the blood of Jesus!

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