Nargis Dutt Cancer Foundation
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Nargis Dutt Cancer Foundation

Welcome to Nargis Dutt Cancer Foundation

The Nargis Dutt Cancer Foundation, established in 1981, is a non-profit and charitable organization committed to improving the medical care on the indian subcontinent. This Foundation supports the advanced training of physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, purchases medical equipment in the USA and donates it to those who will use it most effectively in India, and financially assist those who cannot afford the cost of cancer treatment. The Foundation is based on principles of secularism and does not support profit making organizations. Its pioneering work is reflected by the fact that the Foundation supported India's first bone marrow transplant at the Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai in 1984. The legendary actress, Nargis Dutt, who, when treated for cancer in New York, thought about all the people in India who were suffering from cancer, but could not afford medical attention. In the remaining months of her life, Nargis set forth goals that were focused on improving medical services in India, and in 1972, she started the first school for handicapped children in Mumbai. Unfortunately, Nargis Dutt did not live long enough to witness all her dreams being turned into reality, but her work has been carried forth by her devoted husband, the enormously talented actor, Mr. Sunil Dutt. The Foundation work of Mr. Dutt flows from a life time dedicated to serving humanity while promoting work for peace within and beyond the subcontinent. Mr. Dutt's devotion nd generosity has been manifested in ways to voluminous to recite here, but has included the initiation ( with the blessing of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru) of the Ajanta Arts Welfare Troupe, which raised funds for the Bihar Relief Fund, the organization of international conferences on drugs and AIDS awareness and prevention, fund raising for earthquake victims in Maharashtra, and most recently adding cricketer Imran Khan in raising 100,000 pounds for cancer hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. Mr. Dutt has served several terms in Parliament. Among the many awards that he has received for his humanitarian work are the "Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Award" for international peace, communal harmony, unity and national integration. He also received the "Order of the People" award from the All Indian Artist Association. As Mr. Dutt has himself stated, "The Foundation in the United States has become a pioneer charitable organization the bridges the emotional gap between the Indians living abroad and those in India. Though Indians have settled in every part of the world, it is for the first time that such concerted effort has been made to establish a foundation with channels the resources of the entire expatriate Indian Community and their American friends for one common goal to upgrade medical care in India. Our work so far is but the tip of the iceberg - we need desperately to touch the lives of millions of Indians in dire need of help that we can provide if our community pulls together in the spirit of generosity.

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