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Cupid stikes again! (Don't worry. It didn't hurt much)

Well...Nutmeg...she went and did it again. (With my blessing but hey! Who's to know?) This time. Her victim...Nathan...and well...let's just say we both got sick and tired of waiting for him to go and visit Rain (from the Seminole village in the premiere ep) so we decided...ah hell...just read the story.

"Would you hurry up with that gook!" Nutmeg said squirming as Marianne applied the last finishing touches on her.

"Relax would ya kid, it's gotta be perfect."

"Kid, everyone's callin' me a dang kid...I'll let it go this time Pard. Everything set on the trail and at the village?"

"Ready and waitin' with bells on Nut, reckon the doc is in for a BIG surprise."

"Hell, he's in for the ride of his life! Think he can handle it?"

"I reckon, now go to it and I'll meet ya on the way."

"Hell Pard, this job gets better everyday." The two pranksters did their special high five and handshake grinning from ear to ear and thus parted. Nutmeg hopped on Daisy and Marianne on Black and they saluted riding off.

"NATHAN!!!!!!!! DOC!!!!!!!!! HELP IT'S Rain! Come quickly now!!" Nutmeg barreled into the town of Four Corners, Daisy covered in lather and herself in blood.

"Miss Nutmeg, what is it?! You're hurt!" Nathan ran out of the Saloon the others following him.

"Nathan, it's Rain, she's been hurt, real bad and needs to see you! There was an avalanche at the Seminole village everyone's okay now, but she is in dire need of your assistance! Come quick!"

"I need my horse, I need my supplies..."

"It's okay I've taken care of it," and as if on cue Nutmeg whistled and Nathan's horse trotted up to them saddled and ready to go. A black medical kit hung from the saddle bags, but Nathan didn't even notice as he mounted worriedly spurring his horse on in the direction of the Seminole village.

"Nutmeg you best stay here you're hurt and your mount is spent," Nathan told her as they rode out of the village.

"Daisy? Spent? Hardly! Come on let's ride!" Nutmeg chuckled the lather was soap and they rode at breakneck speed out of the town.

"Who's that up ahead?" Nathan shouted over the pounding hoofs.

"Marianne left fresh mounts for us and is at the village with Rain."

The two exchanged mounts, Nutmeg getting up on Cody and Nathan up on an Apaloosa. They took off again Nathan rubbing his sore butt and Nutmeg chuckling all the way.

The village finally appeared in the distance and Nathan's wiped the sweat from his brow. He dismounted quickly almost falling, not used to riding for so long and at such a speed.

"Nutmeg," he called out of breath, "where is she?"

"In her house, I'll wait here, you go on up to her." Nutmeg took the reins and Marianne joined her from hiding. "So what did you tell Rain?"

"That she is in for a big surprise and to get ready for company of the male kind!" Nutmeg laughed and a distant yell could be heard from in one of the houses.

"Well Pard, we've outdone ourselves," Marianne beamed, Nutmeg just wiped the fake blood off herself shaking her head smiling.

"Shall we head back into town?"

"WAIT A MINUTE YOU TWO!" Nathan boomed striding up towards the two pranksters.

"Uh, it was all Marianne's idea! I had nothin' to do with it, I swear!"

"ME?! Hey, you're not getting off that easy! I wasn't the one who wrote this prank up, you were!"

"Oh really?! You just had to give me Nathan to prank didn't you?! He's one of the hardest!"

"Whoa you two! Actually I wanted to tell you gals what sweethearts you two are and that hey, I really appriciate it." He grinned his beautiful grin and it melted the pranksters hearts.

"Well gee, was my idea, really," Nutmeg began sheepishly twiddling her thumbs.

"Hell Nate go in there with Rain, I'll take care of this little prankster for you." Nathan laughed heartily and walked up to Rain who was waiting for him by her hut. They dissappeared inside and Nutmeg and Marianne grinned both regarding each other warily.

"Oh no you don't! We can't turn on eachother! You wouldn't dare!" Nutmeg began running, Marianne smiled devilishly picking up a bucketfull of water going after her.

"Oh Nutmeg honey I wouldn't even think of a thing like that!"

Page links

My main page
My prank page
