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Zing! Cupid gets a hand....with JD.

    Marianne looked over at Nutmeg. "Ok how'd everything go on your end?"
    Nutmeg smiled cheerily. "She's ready and waiting."
    "All possible disasters averted?" Marianne asked remembering the last time anyone tried to *help*.
    "Oh definetly. Buck's busy with Alice this afternoon." Nutmeg reported. "And as a just in caser I fixed the door. He'll have a hard time leaving that way." She grinned. "What about things on your end."
    Marianne held up JD's bowler. "Everything's under control."

JD was about to leave the sheriff's office when he noticed he didn't have his hat.
    "Now where the heck did I put the darn thing." He muttered. It wasn't on the desk nor the chair. He ducked under his desk to check there but nothing.
    "Hey JD!" A voice called.
    JD jumped and smacked his head on the underside of the desk.
    "OUCH! Tarnation!" He muttered and eased out rubbing his head.
    Vin stood there a piece of paper in hand.
    "I found this out on the chair. It's addressed to you."
    JD took the note still rubbing his head. He read it over then looked up his eyes wide.
    "Vin! My hat's been hatnapped!"
    Vin's mouth (UHHHH THUD!!! Whoops got a little carried away with the thought of those two words. Well back to our story.) stretched into a smile. "HATnapped?" He said somewhat amused.
    "Uh huh." JD read the note over. "I've got to ride out to a grove and wait for further instructions. Better check this out." He said grabbing his coat.
    While he did so Vin read over the note. Almost immediately he recognized the hand writing. And if that didn't give it away the little smiley face next to the kidnapper's sign off was a dead give away.
    JD snatched the note out of his hand as he rushed past.
    Vin followed him out onto the porch where Chris Larabee stood.
    The two men watched JD rush to his horse and then take off at a rather fast speed.
"What's going on with JD?" Chris asked sitting down.
    Vin leaned against a pole. (Sigh....THUD! Whoops! Silly me. I do need to work on controlling that!) "Guess."
    Chris grinned. "Nutmeg and Marianne again?"
    Vin nodded.

    JD rode into the grove watching for any movements. There was no one waiting for him. He dismounted and looked around. He didn't find any person but he found another note this time attached to a bouqet of daisies.
    He read the directions and mounted up again. As he rode off he was completely unaware of his observer.

    Marianne fussed with the dress one more time.
    "Perfect!" She announced with a grin. "Now don't move! I've got to go meet up with Nutmeg!"
    She hurried to her horse and rode away.

    The directions took JD to another grove. This time however it was occupied.
    In the center was a picnic blanket. Complete with basket and food and....his hat.
    He dismounted and hurried to pick it up.
    Underneath lay another note.
    "Look up and smile, present flowers." He read softly. "Now what does that mean?"
    "It means what it says." A voice spoke up.
    JD looked up and his mouth fell open. Casey stood there. She wore a pretty pale blue dress and her hair was loose and fell over her shoulders in shiny waves.
    "Hey JD!" She said with a smile. "Care to join me for a picnic?"
    JD's mouth gaped. "Ca,,,Casey? look great!" He presented the flowers which Casey took and sniffed.
    "Thanks JD." She said with a bright smile.
    JD offered an arm and led her to the blanket where she sat.
    He sat across from her and the two began chatting.

   Just outside the grove Marianne and Nutmeg grinned at each other and walked over to where their horses waited.
    "The perfect prank!" Nutmeg said with a pleased sigh.
    Marianne nodded in agreement. "Yep. A lot of fun to pull. No one got hurt and something good may have come from it." As she gathered up the reins she looked over at her partner in crime. "Now I've got to come up with something to do to Vin!"
    Nutmeg grinned. "Oh I think you can handle it."
    They laughed and turned their horses towards town.
    As they rode off Nutmeg commented. "Marianne I think we're forgetting somethin'."
    Marianne considered that. "Not that I recall. All the foods there. Bug repellant...No...uh oh."
    "What?" Nutmeg looked worried.
    "We forgot to let Buck out," Marianne said with a mischevious grin.
    "Oh I doubt he'll complain." Nutmeg grinned back.
    "Think JD'll be mad?" Marianne questioned.
    Nutmeg thought back to the look on JD's face when he'd spotted Casey. "Somehow I doubt it. Hope no one else is."
    Marianne thought for a minute. "Well they shouldn't be. JD did come out of it uninjured. That bump on his head went away. And he got a little romance out of the deal. All in all I say we did good."
    Nutmeg nodded. "Now about Vin...."

Hee hee. :-)

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