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Chris: Welcome back Mike, and thanks 
for again taking the time to be interviewed again

DJG: thanks for having me Chris
Chris: Ok, let's jump right in. Last time I talked to you, we talked strictly about 311... this time it's going to be a bit different. So I hear that you're a 'recording artist' now.
DJG: Yes I am, I have just recorded a new record called "illuminations" where it is contains many different elements dub regaee, rock, trip hop, jungle, and acid jazz.
Chris: Tight, how did your talents come to you? Was it natural, or did you have to practice day and night to get where you are today?
DJG: Well it took about 2 months of practicing before I started recording and I was horrible at first but I am much better due to all the practicing day in and day out. I am still learning every day though
Chris: That's always great to hear. What kind of equipment are you required to use to make all of these mixes and to make them sound good?
DJG: Well almost all of it is done on my CTX laptop. I have 4 computer programs I am using to lay down beats and other effects, Mixman Studio, DJ Power, Opcode's Studio Vision, and Cool Edit. I also plug in my Casio midi interface keyboard into my laptop to get some spacey effects and drum sounds that I just loop or drop in.
Chris: Great... Who would you call your idols in the music industry?
DJG: Wow that is tough question because I have so many. 311, Ronni Size, DJ Shadow, DJ Lethal, DJ Honda, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, The Urge, Korn, Morcheeba, and Dub Syndicate are all musical inspirations of mine. Those are only some though
Chris: what would you say is your favorite song on 'illuminations' and why?
DJG: I think the track "Earth People" is my favorite because it combines hard rock, hip hop, and jungle. It is also the only hard rock track on the cd
Chris: Ok, We've talked about favorite tracks, now what is your least favorite track(s)
DJG: I don't have a least favorite track. I enjoy certain different elements on each track
Chris: Great. At what age did you start your career in music arts?
DJG: About 6 months ago. I have actually no musical experience in the sense that I never was taught how to read or compose music
Chris: ok... What genre of music would you consider your favorite, rap, rock, heavy metal, etc... ?
DJG: Right now I am really into Hard Rock and Jungle. I really dig The Urge, Limp Bizkit, Deftones, Korn, and Ronni Size right now.
Chris: Same here. Now, i just read now that you were never actually taught how to read or compose music, so, when you create somethings on your computer, you do it off the top of your head, or whats the story there?
DJG: Well yeah it is basically off the top of my head but how I go about it at first I take a drum beat that I think sounds good then I take the guitar or keyboard part and mess with the bpm, tempo, volume, and pitch till they start to sound the same then I add the bass to it which is pretty easy to do once I got the first two sounding good then I just drop sound effects into the mix such as scrathes and dub effects then I make an intro then I fade the outro.
Chris: Do you plan on trying to learn how to read or compose music anywhere down the line?
DJG: Yeah I am doing that right now I am taking a beginners music composition course on how to read notes and write notes down as you go about making a music. I am doing that so I can learn how to play the guitar and incorporate live guitar sounds into my music
Chris: Do you plan on sending your Illuminations CD to radio stations, or plan on keeping in on the downlow?
DJG: It is going out to 20 record labels on saturday as my demo but I have not tried any radio stations because my music would not fit on the radio formats they have here.
Chris: true, maybe if you send me a couple copies, i have a few stations here that would be interested... How many people have heard the whole album as opposed to the four on your webpage?
DJG: Yeah I will defintely send you 3 copies of it...I would say about 20 people have heard the entire cd and all I have gotten back are positive replys about how much they liked it and how it is different than what is popular now.
Chris: What advice can you give to those musicians like yourself, who are unsure of their music?
DJG: That you don't have to know how to be an expert on music but to trust what your mind tells you is dope and to not worry what other people think of you like some might say your music is wack when they are just jealous of the talent you have that they don't
Chris: That's great advice Mike. Now, I would like to conclude this interview with these remarks. You mentioned earlier that you have been getting positive feedback from your listeners. They have said that it is different from most music in the industry at this point in time. The good thing about that is a lot of the music played on the radio these days is really wack! Difference is great this day in age, and it's been a pleasure talking with you mike. And that is Chris' Final Thought
DJG: Thank you for having me Chris
Chris: By the way, You can check out DJ Ginseng's page by clicking here Email DJ Ginseng by clicking on the mailbox. Email me by clicking on the mailbox below.