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Episode #4:Moon Warrior Who?

[Ths scene opens at Malachite's apartment in downtown Tokyo. Malachite is repoting to the Negaforce Entity.]

Malachite: Please forgive me for failing you, m'lord. I had no way of anticipating this.

TNE: FORGIVE YOU!!! This new enemy is exactly who I warned you about. You know that the "Crystal Elimination" attack does not return my minions and their energy to me once they reach critical mass. If I knew you were this careless and stupid, I would have just sent Beryl.

M: I will be more careful in the future.

TNE: See that you are. If you want Zoicite returned to you, you had better not fail me again.

M: I will not fail.

[the communication link is broken.]

M: Hmm. It feels unsesonably warm today. I think I'll help cool this wretched city off. Crystal Droid Frosty...COME FORTH!!!


[Serena, Luna, and Darian are at Darian's apartment. Darian is stilll in bed and feeling a little weak.]

Darian: So you're saying that there's actually a new warrior from the moon?

Serena: Yeah. And he kicked the crud out of that nega-monster before I could even get out my scepter to use it.

D: Luna, do yoou remember any male warriors from the moon besides me.

Luna: No, not really. {Luna looks off into space, obviously distraught. She looks as though she is remembering a painful time in the past.} (softly)Well, there was one...

S: What? who? maybe it's him.

L:(Snapping out of it) I doubt that Serena. (apprehensively) He, uh, died about a year before the Nega-verse attacked. He was fight in a war on earth.

Darian: Well, if it's not this guy that saved the scouts, who is it? He's obviously not just a regular guy in a mask.

L: I honestly don't know. As far as I know there were no warriors on the moon with this kind of power at the time the negaverse attacked. He may be someone we just did not know, he might be from the negaverse. This whole thing is just an unknown at this point.

D: So you're saying that we shouldn't trust him.

S: All I know about him is that it sure sounded like his voice in my head warning me about the nega-monster attack.

L: That's another thing that worries me. There is nothing I know of other than a Lunar Mind Meld that can link telepathically with Serena. That makes it seem like he waas from the Moon.

Serena: Well I think we should be going. We need to get to the Scouts' meeting before Raye thows another fit. I'll check on oyu tomarrow.

D: Thanks, Meatball-head. You've been really good to me these last few days.

S: No problem. I love you. [kisses him] I'm outie.

[Meanwhile Frosty has begun to attack people in front of a popular new hardware store with great low prices as a promotion.]

{Commercial Break}

[at the temple, nobody has shown up yet, because they all expect Serena to be late. John is engaged in an extreme kata on a wooden practice dummy as Raye and chad silently watch him from the doorway.] John:[sensing their presense despite the fact that he cannot see them.] If you guys are waiting to practice, I'll be done in a few minutes.

Raye: Huh! Oh, no we were, uh just watching you train. We didn't mean to interrupt.

Chad: Yeah. We just thought you had some wicked moves and wanted to see how you practice them.

John: Wicked? You think my katas are evil? I've never practiced ninjitsu in my life. My moves are honorable.

R: No, no, no. Wicked is just a slang expression for really good. You know like that kata of yours is wicked cool.

J: Wicked cool. I think I like the sound of that. Anyway, if you guys want to learn some of my katas, I'd be more than happy to show them to you.

C: Radical!!!

J: Okay the first step is to reach a point of total focus. See only the present. Live entirely in the moment you are in. Ignore all distractions. When you throw a punch or kick, think not of the damage it will do or of the technique you should use, think only of doing it and let the nature if the Chi do the rest.

[John takes Raye and Chad through the first kata in slow motion] J: Yes that's it. Allow the Chi around you to be your eyes, ears, and strength. Feel no anger or regret, only your Chi and the Chi if your surroundings. There is energy all around you, and once you are at peace, you can tap into it. [John demonstrates this to them as he joins into the kata. He eventually enters his meditative state and begins on the dummy again with his eyes closed. Raye and Chad watch as he executes flawless techniques and finally delivers a palm strike that seems to almost glow as it barely makes contact with the dummy, yet breaks it in half at the mid-section.]

R & C: whoa!!!

J: (waking as if from a dream) Whuh? Oh no. I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget to control myself in practice. I'll go to the store and get some brackets to fix the dummy.

R: What happened?

J: That's what happens if you learn to focus your Chi from the age of five. I am sorry. Forgive my rude lack of self control.

[just then Serena arrives]

Raye: You're here already? You're only 20 minutes late. The others aren't going ot be here for at least another 45 minutes.

S: What do you mean?

R: We all decided to tell you to come an hour early so that you wouldn't be as late as last time.

[they start arguing as usual]

J: Listen since you two obviously have the time, why don't you come to the hardware store with me. I understand that they have an ice-cream stand and a shoe store next door.

[that snaps them out of the arguement and they agree readily at the prospect to look at shoes while John gets the hardware he needs.]


Frosty: Foolish humans, soon you will surrender your lives as you now surrender your energy. Feed me and my master and prepare for his triumphant return!

[As they walk to the hardware store, John suddenly becomes violently ill] J: Hugn! (doubled over) I knew I shoudn't have eaten that whole pizza last night. You guys go ahead, I'll rest here for a minute and join you later.

R: Are you nuts? You need to get to a doctor.

[People come runnimg by screaming as Frosty bursts out of the door and chases them.

S: (to self) A nega-monster. We have to transform.

[As carnage erupts around them Raye and Serena help John into an alleyway and set him behind a trash bin.] R: You stay here while we go for help. You should be safe here.

[Raye and Serena leave John in the alley, then they find a secuded place and transform]

Frosty: Why are you running? I don't want you're pathetic excuses for lives, I just want you're energy.[Sailor Mars is heard saying "Mars fire...IGNITE" proior to a bolt of flame comes flashing through the sky, protecting Frosty's next target.]

F: What? Who dares challenge me?

Sailor Moon: The Sailor Scouts do you piece of negatrash! We stand for love and justice and we won't allow you to harass these people any longer! In the name of the Moon...

Sailor Mars: And in the name of Mars...

Both: We will Punish you!!!

Frosty: Big words for little girls. Let's see if you can back them up.

[Frosty blasts the girl repeatedly then freezes them in place at the legs.]

Mars: You moon-brain! Why didn't you call for back-up before jumping into the fight.

SMoon: Right, like I'm supposed to think of everything.

Mars: You're the one whose our leader.

SMoon: As if I had a choice about it.

[The girls argue again until Frosty gets ticked off.]

Frosty: Will you two shut up! I can't take this any more!

Moon Warrior: You don't have to. moon sword energy...SLASH![A crecsent shaped beam of light emanates from Moon Warrior's sword freeing the Sailor Scout's]

[Moon Warrior and Frosty begin to fight. It is clear that he is keeping the monster between him and the Sailor Scouts.]

Mars: Serena, your scepter! Do it while the thing has its back turned!

SMoon: Right! Moon Scepter...Elimination!!![if you've seen the show, you know the drill, if not, this story must seem really out there!]

Moon Warrior: Well done your Highness. Until I am needed again, farewell.{runs off}

Mars: Ohmigosh! We left John behind that dumpster!

[Serena and Raye come back running only to find John resting comfortably in meditation.]

Raye: Are you all right?

John: I'm feeling much better now, thank you. All I needed was a little rest. were you able to find help to dispel that demon?

Raye: Demon? Oh! Yeah, the Sailor Scouts came and finished the thing off. It won't cause any more trouble.

John: that's good. Well we better finish our shopping. [The camera fades on the amazed expressions on the faces of the girls as to how calm John is after a negaverse attack.]



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