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Episode#3: So You Want to be a Hero?

The Negaforce Entity: You have done well Malachite. Cardian Vamp-EEL was able to gather a great deal of energy for me before she was returned to the land of the dishonored dead.

Malachite: Thank you, m'lord. I will serve you to the best of my abilities.

TNE: I would expect no less. But beware, I can sense the presence of one who could undo my machinations. I can sense one who is chosen.

M: But, that is impossible m'lord. The only one who could undo you died a millenia ago at my hand. Had he been saved like the others he would surely of surfaced by now.

TNE: Perhaps, but beware of him none the less. Now call forth your next servant to bring me my freedom.!

M: Yes, my master. Nega-monster, Fro, comeforth!!!! I command you!!!

[The Same cloud storm that porduced Vamp-EEL now produces Fro]


[The Girls are at The Temple talking over the last nega-verse attack]

Raye: Are you sure that was a monster we already defeated, Luna?

Luna: I'm positive,Raye. I don't like this one at all. I saw Serena blast that thing with my own two eyes. I'll bet my whiskers that we're in for some real trouble very soon.

Amy: What do think this means. I mean since when can the dead come back to life?

Artemis: Good question, Amy. As far as Luna and I can tell it doesn't.

Lita: What do you mean it doesn't? If death were permanent none of us would be alive.

Art: Yeah, and it killed Queen Serenity to send you here. This is some powerful magic at work. I can't imagine anyone risking their life to revive a nega-monster.

[Everyony thinks silently to themselves]

Mina: So, Serena, how is Darien doing?

Serena: Ok, I guess. That monster rocked him pretty good, but my guy's tough. The doctor said he should be able to walk around again in a few days.

Raye: This wouldn't have happened if you had stayed with him.

S: Be quiet, Raye. You weren't there. You have no idea what happened to us.

R: You're really the one to talk about responsibility, Serena. I've never seen you on time for anything since I've known you!

[Serena and Raye argue to Serena begins to cry. That wailing attracts John attention.]

John: Jeez, Raye. Do you treat ALL of your friends this well?

R: WHAT?!?

John: Considering that you're flushed from an arguement I'm assuming that you made this poor girl cry.

R: First of all, this is none of your buisness, and secondly, Serena is alway wailing about something.

J: I'm sorry, but I don't like seeing people getting pushed around.

Amy: Don't worry about it. They're always fighting like that. It's a part of their friendship.

Lita: Yeah, they're like a couple of sisters. They both thrive on the conflict.

J: Oh, then please forgive my intrusion. I am sorry. [bows]

R: I suppose I should introduce all of you. [Raye introduce John to the gang.]

J: It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Anyway, Raye, I was on my way to that new Mega-Burger and I wanted to know if you or your friends wanted anything.

[Serena immediately perks up and orders a triple bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake. The girls then order small meals and chip in for their food.]

Lita: So what's the buzz on that hunk-meister?

Raye: He's a student from another Temple up north. He's living here for a while until he can get a place of his own.

Amy: He seems like a very nice guy.

R: Oh, he is, but the weird thing is that he reminds me someone.

Mina: Who?

R: I don't know. It's almost like he's a cross between Serena and Darian. I mean he broods alot, but he can laugh at the same nonsense that Serena does.

Lita: Well, he's still a hunk.


[At the burger stand, Fro is attacking the patrons and gathering their energy.]

John:(to self) Let's see, that's two Mega-specials, four regulars, and a chocolate shake. Boy, and I thought I oculd eat alot. That Serena girl puts me to shame.

[screams are heard]

John: What was that?!? Ughn!! [John stumbles into an alleyway and them collapses doubled over]

[at Mega-Burger]

Fro: It's no use resisting, humans. Soon your energy will feed the nega-force.

[Fro continues to attack the customers as the girls wait for the food at the temple] Serena: Oh, booyyyy, triple cheeseburgers. I can hardly wait.

Luna: Calm down, Serena. You eat too much as it is. Besides we're supposed to be worrrying about the nega-verse, not stuffing our faces.

Serena: Luna, you worry too mu...Ughn!! [Serena grabs her stomach in pain for a second, then her temple begins to glow with the moon insignia]

All(except Serena): Serena are you all right?

[in Serena's mind a male voice speaks]

Voice: Sailor Moon, a negaverse monster is attacking. You and the other scouts must transform. Innocents are in danger!

[the seizure ends and the girls all rush too Serena's aid]

Lita: what happened?

Serena: Weird. I heard a voice telling me that there's trouble. Come on, we have to transform.

Amy: You're too weak right now. We'll check it out, you stay right here.

S: No. Look I'm fine, and if it is the nega-verse, you need me to dust the monster.

Mina: You're the boss.

[The girls check for onlookers, then tranform]

[at the burger stand, Fro has drained the last of the customers as the scouts arrive.]

Sailor Moon: Hold it right there! I am Sailor Moon and on behalf of the Moon I will right wrongs and triumph over evil. And that means you.

Fro: Well, well, well. Look who's back. It's payback time.

[Fro blasts the scouts with her demon breath before they can react. Mercury tries to freeze the monster but gets blasted instead. Then Lita and Mina do their team up attack, but it misses. Finally Sailor Moon uses her tiara, but Fro catches it in mid-air.]

Fro: You aren't going to banish me with the same move twice.

SM: It can't be, that's impossible!

Fro: I told you I would return.

[as fro gets ready to attack Sailor Moon the voice from Serena's seizure is heard again, only this time it is out loud]

Voice: Moon Sword Energy...SLASH!!!

[a cascacde of pure light in the shape of a crescent moon streaks through the air, srtiking Fro in the shoulder and slicing her open like a sword swipe. Everyone turns to look at the source of the blast only to see a figure standing ast the doorway as he steps into the light he is revealed to be wearing Darien style armour, only it it silver with gold trim. The man's uniform is white, his gloves and boots a deep red, and his cape a brilliant blue. The cape is fixed to his armour by brooches in the shape of full moons. Disguising his face is a midnight blue cowl with a crescent moon at the forehead.]

SM: That voice. Wh, who are you.

Man in armour: I am Moon Warrior. I am a warrior from the moon Kingdom sworn to protect you, your highness. Now to take care of this piece of filth. Moon Crystal...Encapsulation.

[the beast is contained in a giant blue facsimilie of the Imperium Silver Crystal, which then implodes on a mental command fron Moon Warrior.]

MW: See you around Sailor Scouts

{At the temple the girls discuss the days events as John returns with the food.}

J: Sorry I'm late, but someone trashed the burger stand. I hope I did not keep you waiting.

[Everyone is sitting, eating and laughing as the camrea fades to black.]


Tip for today: Never be afraid to ask for help on a big job. "Sailor Moon Says,...he he he.


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