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Episode 2: The Negaverse Gets Busy

[Opening Scene: The outer courtyard of the Cherry Hill Temple. Raye, Grandpa, and chad are arguing with some tough looking thugs as John is walking toweard the Temple unaware of what is going on]

Raye: I told you, we don't have any money of wine to give you, now get lost or we're calling the police.

Thug 1: Well, uh, maybe you'd like to, uh, take a ride with us instead, little lady.

Chad: You keep away from her, you creep!

[Chad throws a punch, knocking the thug to the ground and causing thed others to draw knives and clubs in a threatening manner. One thug uses a club and knocks Chad to the ground hard.]

Raye And Grandpa: Chad!!!

[The thugs begin to slowly inch their way toward Grandpa and Raye]



Raye:(thinking to herself)Looks like I'm going to have to teach these losers not to play with fire. (out Loud , but in a whisper)Mars Star...Huh??!!?

[Suddenly John leaps into the thugs and begins beating them severely through the use of the Martial arts. In a matter of seconds, only one punk is left standing.]

John: O-Kay, sleaze-meister(What do you expect? This is a sailor Moon fan fic!) do yourself a favor. Apologise to these nice people, take your friends and never let me see near here again, because next time, I may not be in as good of a mood.

Raye: (to self) Whew! That was a close call. I almost had to use my powers. Grandpa would of freaked!

J: (to Chad) Are you all right, sir. (to Raye and Gramps) This man needs medical attention. (John then notices thier Temple Robes). Oh! forgive me. I was so flustered from that fight that I did not notice your robes. [stands and bows]

R: Who are you?

J: My name is John. I am a student from a Temple in the mountains to the North. I am traveling here to find the origins to strange visions that have plagued me thorughout my life. I was on my way here because I know nothing of the city and was hoping you could give me lodgings in exchange for chores and labors at your Temple until I can find a way to support myself here. You see, Temple life is all I know. I have been raised there since I was five years-old.

Gramps: Well, uh, seeing as how you just saved my granddaughter and I from those creeps, I don't see how I could say no. Although I can't really pay you much..

J: You PAY people to stay here???

R: He means fo rthe work you do here, at the Temple. What, you were never paid at your Temple?

J: No. I was always taught to do as you are told and fulfill your duties without question. I never even thought to ask for money to do things.

Gramps: Well, anyway, welcome to our Temple John. This is Raye, and I think you'rve already met Chad. My name is Mr. Hikawa, but you can call me Gramps.

J: Thank you for your hospitality, Master "gramps".


[Malachite's Earth Base(an apartment in downtown Tokyo)]

Malachite: Well, looks like it's time to get started. Let's free the Negaforce!!!!! Cardian Vamp-EEL, come forth and serve your master again!

[a dark storm forms over the city like a small version of the one Malachite returned from. In the center of it is Cardian Vamp-Eel.]

M: Now go collect energy for the master and the glory of the NEGAVERSE!!!(to himself)and also for you, Zoycite, my love. [The Park]

Serena: Gee, Darian, I sure do love these evening strolls.

Darian: Me too, meatball head.

S: I love it when you call me that. I just mean that it's all so perfect, you and I are together, the Negaverse is gone, and my friends are safe.

[Screaming is heard]

D: What was that?

[they run to the source of the screams to discover Vamp-EEL attacking Molly and Melvin.]

S: Oh, no! Molly.(I know what you're thinking, but I couldn't resist having Molly get attacked. It's a SM tradition!!!)

D: So much for our stroll. You better call the girls, I'll try to save Molly.

S: Right. {Serena goes behind a tree and uses her watch to call the other scouts} Guys, come in. There's a yucky flower monster attacking people in the park. Darian and I are tranforming to fight it. Get here quick.! Moon Crystal Power!!

[Transformation Sequence]

Sailor Moon: How dare you attack my friends in the park! I am Sailor Moon the champion of love and justice. On behalf of the Moon I will punish Nega-trash. And that means you!

Vamp-EEL: Vamp-eel.

Tuxedo Mask: Watch out Sailor Moon!

[The Vamp-EEL Begins throwing energy blasts at Sailor Moon. TM then throws his trademark rose, but the plant monster is unaffected. It soon has them both in its tentacles and is draining its energy.]

TM: Looks like this weed is stronger than I thought. I'm sorry Seren-ughhhh.

[Commercial Break]

Sailor Mars: mars , Firebird, Srike!!

[the firebird breaks the tentacles holding SM and TM and they fall to the ground.]

Sailor jupiter: Jupiter, thunder..

Sailor Venus: Venus crescent beam..


SV Smash!

Sailor Mercury: Mercury, Ice Storm...FREEZE!!!

[the monster is frozen solid]

S Mars: Sailor Moon, your scepter!!!

Sailor Moon: Darian?!?! you'll pay for hurting the people I care about!!! Moon Scepter...Elimination!!!

[the Monster is dusted(of course)]

Tux Mask: Sailor Moon??

sailor Moon: Shh. Let's get you home to rest.

Luna: I don't like this one little bit.

Sailor Mars: I know, who would of thought the Negaverse would be dumb enough to come back.

Luna: No, I mean this monter. You girls never saw it, but it was the first cardian that Sailor Moon destroyed after defeating Beryl.

Sailor Moon: We can worry about that later, Luna. Right now, let's just get tuxedo mask home.

[view pulls back to show Malachite watching the aftermath of the battle in his power-globe.]

M: Well, done scouts. You played right into our hands. Go lick your wounds, now. I'll need you healthy to destroy the monsters the Master needs to be free. {Looks at a piture of himself and Zoycite} And for us to finally be together again. AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!


[end sequence and credits]

Sailor Says: Friends watch out for each other. be good friends. Sailor Moon Says, he he he.

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