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Episode 1: The Story Begins

Somewhere a young man is tossing and turning on his sleeping mat. He is dreaming of a great and peaceful kindom in flames. All around him is death and carnage as he climbs through the smoldering rubble. Yet for some reason he feels apprehension not because of the destruction, but because he is looking for someone. Suddenly, a whie haired demon appears in front of him, stabs him in the abdomen, and then strolls away laughing. The young man is undaunted by this henous attack. He crawls onward searching for someone. Finally he sees a beautiful young woman on a terrace...Being attacked by the most evil of all demons. She and her protector are struck dead by this harbinger of evil as the young man tries to stand and screams................

"SISTER, nOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Master Hiro: "John-san wake up, ypu are having another nightmare!"

John: "Whu. Oh, forgive master, I had the dream again."

MH: "Yes, this is the fifth night in a row. Have you decided what you are going to do?"

J: "Hai. I am going to try to find the source of these dreams."

MH: "But, where will you go?"

J: "I will go where my feet take me and let destiny decide when I shall learn the truth. That is what you have taught me here at Temple, and that is what I shall do."

MH: "Then I wish you good forune and safety in the journey ahead."

J: "Thank you master."


Serena: "AAAUUUUGHHHHHHH!!! I'm late!!! Raye's going to kill me if I don't get to the Temple soon. Oh! why did we have to meet on a Saturday this early! Mom, I've got to go. BYE!!"


Raye: "Where is she? This is supposed to be Sailor buisness and our 'great leader' can't even show up? This is ridiculous.

Amy: "Calm down Raye. We all knew that Serena would be late. It's not the end of the world."

Lita: "Yeah, you should have known better than to have this meeting on Satuday."

R: "But it's Noon!!"

(enter Serena looking VERY tired)

Serena: "Sorry I'm late."

R: "It's about time , meatball Head. Where were you?"

S: "DOn't call me that. You know that Darian is the only one who can call me that! Besides it's Saturday and we haven't had any Negaverse problems for months."

(Meanwhile.. in a dark forboding place beyond even the Negaverse, a dark figure addresses his minions)

Figure: "All of you have failed me!!! Beryl, Rubius, even the evil within Galaxia! You are all weak fools that did not deserve the power I gave you! But I still yaern to be free, and to be free I need an operative to gather energy for me. I have chosen that operative and call him before me now!!! Malachite the fallen, come forth!!"

Malachite: "I hear you and I obey, my master."

(Commercial Break)

Malachite: "What is it you want of me, oh Great and Powerful Negaforce?"

The Negaforce Entity(TNFE): "I am going to restore your pathetic little life and return you to the Earth. There you will have domain over all the children fo the Negaforce that have fallen to the Sailor Scouts and descended here to the land of the dishonored dead. You will use my warriors to gather the enrgy of the humans and free me from this prison. To do this you will have the creatures gather energy until they have reached thair peak. Then you shall allow the scouts to destroy them."

M: "Allow them to be destroyed, but why, my Lord?"

TNFE: "Because the revived creatures will take their energy with them when they are destroyed and thus feed me! So it shall be that the Scouts will be the tools of their own undoing! So I have said, and so it shall BE!!"

M: "Yes, my master. But may I ask a favor of you before I go?"

TNFE: "YOu want me to restore your lover Zoycite as well."

M: "Yes, m'Lord."

TNFE: "If you succeed in this task, I will allow her to be free as well. Consider that incentive to succeed in your mission. Now go forth and gather the energy that wilol lead to the Apocalypse itself!! AHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(A great energy storm erupts within the city and at the center of it Malachite appears.)

Mina: "WHat on earth was that?"

Luna: "It looked like an energy storm of some kind."

Raye: "I don't like this one bit."

Lita: "Me Neither."

Serena: "Relax, guys, if it is the Negaverse, we'll dust them good. We always do."

(MAlachite, through the insight of the dead, obseves the scout meeting through a viewing globe and smiles)

Malachite: "Yes, Sailor Moon, you DO always manage to win. Except this time, I'm counting on it."

(Malachite smiles an evil grin and laughs sinisterly)

(And in another part of the city, a familiar young man gets off of a bus)

John: "Thank you for the ride, sir. (Bus Leaves) Well, so this is where my body tells me to be. I wish I knew who or what I'm looking for. I suppose I'll find out when the time is right. (To a passer by. [who happens to be Molly]) Pardon me, ma'am. I was wondering if you could direct me to a temple near here. It's time fo rmy evening meditation and I do not know this cityt very vell."

Molly: "Oh no problem. There's a Temple six blocks down and three blocks ovah on Cherry Hill lane."

J: "Thank you very much, kind maiden."(bows and then heads for Raye's Temple)

M: "Nice guy. Kind of weird, but nice. Just like Serena."

End Title Screen Sequence.

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