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Conversions for Purists

I will kep this section simple and to the point. Some people prefer the Japanese names on the Sailor Moon series. I am not one of them. I do, however prefer the Japanese STORYLINE. I therefore use the complete storyline for my fan-fic. Check out Hitoshi Doi's Sailor Moon encyclopedia summaries here for more details.

The chart below will give you purists and those poor souls who are completely lost a liitle added help.

The Japanese to English conversions for Sailor Moon

Usagi/Princess Serenity=Serena Tsukino

Mamouru/Endymion=Darien Chiba

Ami=Amy Minzuno

Makoto/Mako=Lita Kino

Minako=Mina Aino

Rei=Raye Hino




Tsukino Shingo=Sammy Tsukino Umino=Melvin


Tomoe Hotaru/Sailor Saturn=Heather Tomoe

Kaiou Michiru/Sailor Neptune=Michelle Kaiou

Tenou Haruka/Sailor Uranus=Alexandria(Alex) Tenou

Meiou Setsuna/Saior Pluto=Susan Meiou

These are the only characters Vital to my fan-fic at this time. I will add more as I need too. Thank you for allowing me to clear this up. It should be noted that I KNOW that Amy's last name in the NA dub version of the show was "Anderson". I however, prefer to use the Japanese last names. It should also be stated that the American names for the Outer Planet Sailor scouts are not mine alone. I got them from a chat room where several fans agreed that they were good "translations" for the Outers.

