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Miss BobCat

Well Hello there I see you made it to my web site its rather a old site my very first web page I ever created. But either way I am glad you stop by. So anyways take a look around here this page has lots of out door things in here. That is my favorite passion in life the great outdoors. Anyways some of you never been here before so I will tell you more about Bobcat. I'm 35 EWWWWWW, but really is that such a bad thing? After all you are as old as you feel hmm I dont feel 18 but I dont think I want to either but I feel pretty young. I am 5'3" and 130 lbs no might not be 110 but I dont want to be skin and bones I am muscular. I have brown hair with Blonde and red tones to it and yes it's all natural. What you see is all natural nothing here imatation. I have blue eyes but they do change colors just depends on my energy level they can be grey, green and blue meaning that I am full of energy hehe hmmmmmm that could be interesting . But I am fiesty as ever hehehe. Just give me a try. But be warned I dont like to be told I cant do anything. GGGRRRRRRRRRR Makes me NUTS .I love fast cars and harleys.VEROOOOOOOMM. Yes Red is my favorite color. I collect lots of things like Teddy bears rocks and anything that is wild .My favorite animals are Wild cats and bears GGGGGGOwls RRRRRRowrrr snickes sorry couldnt help myself I don't like to sit down and be quiet life is way to short to do that. If you dont live life to its fullest then what is there to do SO its time to stand up and raise hell with the best of the best .I love to just get up and go where ever my body takes this kitty. Anyways come on in and browse around. Sign my Guest book ok ??? Thanks and hey LOVE YA . Hey make sure you hit the links ok ?? giggles ok ok ok ok I know I am pushy. But ya got to love me for me. Thanks for stopping in here.

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