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ARIES WOMEN: Strong character and vitality. Usually very attractive to men. Quite passionate. Rarely dominating. Often take the initiative in winning men or in making love. Enthusiastic individuals, making numerous friends. Intelligent listeners. Usually take on their full share of finances and problems in marriage. Homebodies, good housekeepers, love children, and are good mothers. Impulsive, good natured, exciting and loyal. Negative traits: Can become bossy with children. Too impulsive. Putting too much energy into projects.

ARIES MEN: Extremely self-confident, very bold and dashing. Very often they will sweep a woman off her feet. Very attractive to women. Have a natural arrogance. Good dressers, flirtatious and very passionate in lovemaking. Usually very ambitious, with great vitality and energy Loyal to their wives, they frequently have numerous affairs prior to marriage. Successful in business, loving comfort and luxury. Love of children is strong, showering children with play things which they can play themselves.
Negative traits: Over- dominance, impetuous marriages when young, temper and anger, (though over them quickly), will not tolerate flirting from their partners.

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TAURUS WOMEN: They are usually quite easy going and capable of getting along well with other people of all zodiacal signs. Fun-loving, sports-minded, and adventuresome, liking the out-of-doors, they are usually very stable individuals. When they love and marry, they are married for life. Quite practical, they have a tendency to become too materialistic. Quite passionate, though quite, they are very direct about sexual matters. They can become possessive. They will usually stay married, even though divorce might be far better to consider. Excellent with children, they make very good mothers. Though strict, their offspring greatly benefit from their mother's guidance and strictness with them. Very ambitious both for themselves and for their husbands. Like expensive possessions and artistic endeavors. Excellent with inances.

TAURUS MEN: Hard workers, practical, decisionmakers, with great determination and patience adequately pictures the Taurus man. Their marriages are practical rather then glamorous, and usually marry well. They think things out very slowly, before making decisions. The security of marriage is most valuable to them, for they are quite domesticated. Usually they are excellent cooks. Their word is bond, and they take their business and marriage responsibilities very seriously. They resent interference from their wives. Quite possessive, they are often collectors of various types of things. They can become jealous easily. They most appreciate dependent wives. Though quiet, they are passionate, needing much loving. Very strict with their offspring, they demand respect wishing their homelife to be dignified, comfortable and respectable.

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GEMINI WOMEN: Variety is the spice of their life. Flexibility of moods and self-expression are quite natural to them. They can be lively, bright and vivacious and suddenly sarcastic, difficult to live with and moody in the same day. New experiences, new situations and new faces fascinate them. They are in love with love, and may, and many may not marry. They must have strong companionship and intellectual stimulation to sustain a marriage. Openly flirtatious, and responsive to it's results. Unless there is excitment in their marriage, they will stray easily in search of newer expieriences. They are not strong homebodies. They are, however, good hosekeepers with a minimum of effort. Restrictions give rise to resentment. They try hard to be domestic, if necessary. Other outside interests are often more important than their children's or husband's needs. They are better with someone else's children than with their own. Natural humorists.

GEMINI MEN: Restlessness, changeableness and variety are the keywords for them. Fun-loving and quick-witted, they are excellent humorist. Many are profesional entertainers. Friendships break off easily, for they are strongly attracted to large numbers of aquaintances rather than to the individual relationship. Travel and adventure are frequent throughout their lives. Very flirtatious, promiscuous and flighty in romance, they stray frequently from their marriage bed. They cannot be tied down to essentials. Therefore many never marry at all. And those that do are frequently divorced. Their life must contain variety and excitement at all costs and at all times. They are extremely passionate one day and the next very distant and preoccupied. Once in love, they can be loyal, but it requires a great deal of variety.

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CANCER WOMAN: She is vary domesticated, affectionate, passionate and sexually provocative. She needs security and protection. Can become quite moody, overly-emotional and changeable in manner and habits. Basically in secure, she has a tendency to draw upon her lover or husband for stabilizing attitudes and values. Vary sensitive, she can brood for hours over imagined insults or hurts. Vary loyal, once she has security of finances or love, she is quite faithful. A devoted wife and mother, she is also a good homemaker. Vary strong sense of responsibility, especially where her immediate family is concerned. She has extremely high standards and ideals. Quick to anger, she can become quite obstinate, never accepting the fact that she may be wrong.

CANCER MAN: Devoted and considerate, he is vary much a homebody. Quite thoughtful of his wife or sex partner's needs, he is a vary good lover. Sometimes quite demanding, possessive and jealous, he is easily disillusioned and brood for long period of time. He often is overly anxious to marry and settle down, and frequently will marry without love in order to provide the security he has to have through marriage in order to be more at peace with himself. Quite sensitive, he makes imaginary mountains out of real mole-hills. A great flirt, he can be a quite promiscuous, even though his home life may be adequate. Fond of children, he is a vary good father, devoting a great deal of his time to their welfare and happiness. He is a good provider, and is quite thoughtful of his immediate family. Bonds run strongly with this man. However, there must always be that bond of security and knowledge of his achievements for him to attain happiness.

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LEO WOMAN: They should seek out highly succssful businessmen since their fondness for luxuries will require a steady income as well as vast social outlets for their utilization. Extremely proud of themselves and their appearances, they are inclined to have hightly fashionable wardrobes. They like to be on display, and any husband can be quite proud of his Leo wife. Their homes are not only comfortable and inviting, but usually the last word in the latest styles. Very attractive to the opposite sex, they attract men in droves. They like for their husbands or lovers to be jealous occasionally, for this means that they're still on top. They havegreat dignity as well as quick and fiery displays of their temperament. They should guard against conceit, and a tendency toward being domineering over their spouse. They cannot bo told what to do. They have a great love for children.

LEO MEN: Very sentimental, Leo men are excellent lovers. They have a proud dignity which places them well in front of any organization in which they might be members. Good leaders, they are assured of having strong and wellknit followings in almost any area in which they might choose to lead. They must guard against conceit, however, for they are attractive to nearly everyone who crosses their path in life. Their wives and lovers nearly always are jealous and have reason to be. Usually quite successful in anything they set out to do, they have an excellent taste for luxurious gifts, surroundings and home furnishings. They want their wives to make good apearances and money usually is no great object to them. They can become quite disagreeable if anything or anyone upsets their progress. Criticism is not acceptable, ever, for Leo men demend respect.

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VIRGO WOMAN: Rather undemonstrative, sexually, these woman often appear to be quite cold. Companionship is foremost in their physical requirements, and they will go along with whatever is necessary to continue a good relationship. Reserved, and sometimes quite critical of others, they sometimes offend others with their attitudes. All are perfectionists, believing in work first and pleasures later. Vary good an financial management, they have a strong sense of responsibility. Very good housekeepers, their homes usually are immaculate. They sometimes feel they do not require love and the baser attention. Some are stingy, both financially and emotionally. Everything they do for us the good of the family more than for the individual. Usually not passionate, although responsive, in a protective fasion. Vary strict with children, they are good mothers.

VIRGO MAN: Extremely practical and reserved, they shy away from the demonstrative sides of life. Usually quite shy, they avoid marriage until quite late in life. They will think out problems and situations for interminable lengths of time before making up their minds, and then they will continue thinking, before stating their decisions. Preferring companionship, they often seek woman who are intellectually stimulating rather then for a base sexual relationship. Extreme perfectionist, and critical, preferring stability to irrational behavior, they have fixed ideas about everything. Once their minds are made up, there is no changing them. They appear to be quite indifferent and aloof, even when they are deeply interested in various situations or individuals. Usually quite hardworking, they are good providers and fathers, although there is a strong tendency to become too strict and dictatorial.

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LIBRA WOMEN: Extremely loving and affectionate. Also passionate. Possessors of native intelligence and charm. They become the best wives of the zodiac. They attract admirers but are not flirts. A tendency toward brief moments of emotional instability. Quite feminine they wish to be secure, protected and loved. They are practical-minded and conventional in their approch to matters of importance. Great family devotion. Wide and varied interest provide interesting and exciting homelife as well as social progress. Some Libras have a tendency to be fighty when young, having numerous romantic affairs. Once married they settle down to hmemaking. Their passion is high, but can be turned off easily.

LIBRA MEN: Devoted to lovemaking, and excellent in their devotion. Gentility of feeling, though with inconsistant passion. They require great physical response from their wives. Very loyal. Capable of handling others with great tact. Often having numerous affairs before setting down, they do not see this as being unfaithful to their wives. Givers of gifts, they provide unusual and interesting presents for unsuspecting recipients. Quite particular about their appearance, they usually have very good taste in dressing. Usually not domineering, they utilize diplomacy in dealing with difficult subject or individuals. Affectionate, thoughtful and charming, they are very attractive to the opposite sex. They take a very long time to make up their minds before marriage or firming partnership. Once their mind is made up, they rarely change them.

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SCORPIO WOMEN: Extremely emotional. Passionate, bringing much love and inventiveness into sexual relationships. They require flattery, compliments and security. They usually seek out father images for husbands, since they best provide the emotional security which is necessary for them to be happy. Extremely dependent. Once married, they are devoted, easily aroused, jealous of everything and everyone, and can become very suspicious and resentful if someone else pays more attention than they think they should to their husbands. Willing workers, extremely industrious, they are also conceited and self-centered. They will not shrink their responsibilities. Extremely realistic in their approach to problems and family planning. They are excellent judges of character and can see through phony situations in a minute. Capable, however, of overlooking faults in others.

SCORPIO MEN: Highly sensual, and sometimes quite emotional, they are the ideal sex partners for almost everyone. Love is extremely important to their welfare, whether consummated or not. They can be very demanding, requiring attention, compliments and praise must come their way. Easily angered, they have quick tempers. Capable of seeing others for what they are, they often lower the boom, sometimes creating consternation among their friends and fellow-workers. Quite vengeful if wronged, they are vindictive and will remember insults for years. Hatreds are strong factors for them, and many are quite dominant and commanding. Excessively strict with their offspring, they nevertheless love them. They will not tolerate arguments or interference with their plans. Great protectors of both family and causes, they are exceptionally kind and far-seeing, capable of elaborate plans.

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SAGITTARIUS WOMEN: Very good-natured, these women have an exceptionally fine sense of humor and are very quick-witted. Usually very thoughtful of others. They have a tendency toward being immature, self-conscious and attempt to avoid reality. Perfectionists, sometimes in the extreme, and at others not at all, they can be very difficult to understand. Very changeable by nature, extremely restless, always seeking adventure. They regard lovemaking as something to do occasionally, but without deep involvements. Their mind is always somewhere Alas. Given to quite sudden temper tantrums, they are over them equally swiftly. Very faithful, once they find their mate, they can be counted on to be exactly the same nearly every day. Prefer mental to physical compatibility in their husbands. They are quite attractive to many other signs, but their native restlessness presents the most difficulties.

SAGITTARIUS MEN: Constant teasers, they are restless, quick-witted and sometimes give the overall appearance of being withdrawn and immature. They are very willing to let someone else finish a job they have started. Sports and outdoor adventures are very inviting to them. Usually they have numerous friends and are themselves very stimulating. They will not tolerate possessiveness or domination in others. Honest in the extreme, they will go out of their way to aid others, even at their own expense. Vey thoughtful of others, although they are quite impatient and impulsive in their actions. They often leap before looking, seeing opportunities everywhere, many of which are not real. Their greatest problem is their penchant for gambling and their extreme impatience which will not let them rest. They should look for a strong and patiently understanding woman or they will drift from one woman to another, never really setting down.

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CAPRICORN WOMEN: Extremely conservative and very serious-minded as well as reserved in nature and personality. Capable of being exceptopnally loving and affectionate, and are quite devoted. Efficient in all that they do whether in business or home affairs, they are extremely reliable. Their biggest difficulty is in expressing themselves, as well as in their domination over others. Theirs must be the last word, even if irrelevant. Usually they are exceptionally good managers of other people's affairs and businesses, although they are incapable of pushing themselves. Excellent hostesses, they enjoy entertaining, so long as it is done at home. Nearly everyone admires them, for they often have radiant personalities and capabilities. If they can be less serious-minded and can learn to express themselves they can be much happier.

CAPRICORN MEN: Extremely serious in all that they do whether it is in lovemaking or in business. Not very sentimental as a rule, for their innate practicality eleminates sentiment. Very slow thinking and slow to act, they are sometimes quite exasperating. Hard workers, they are quite reliable and conventional, capable of expending any business connection. Extremely honest and direct, they often cannot adequately express themselves. They set very high and occasionally unobtainable standards for their aquaintances. Very domineering and easily jealous, they sometimes check on their mates to see that everything is as it should be. Possesors of great dignity, they wish to maintain an honorable, dignifield relationship with everyone. Not overly romantic they can be less than desirable in bed relationship since they do not easily return visible affection.

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AQUARIUS WOMAN: Extremely affectionate, although the physical expression of love are the least of their interests, rather they look for total expression. High standards, trustworthy and given to jealousy with the ability to remember the hurts and indiscretions for long periods of time. Great humanitarians, they lead in all fields of human expression, weather it be music, education literary or theatrical. Tolerance is their major asset. However, if they find others do not meet their requirements, they cool slowly; eventually drifting away from their midst. They can be practical, but only after being shown that their own impulsive action often create difficulties.

AQUARIUS MAN: Great humanitarians, they can be expected to champion causes in which many people will develop or increase their knowledge or abilities. Quite witty, they make good speakers for public engagements, and are often found on the lecture platforms, and here again, it is usually with a cause and effect in mind. Excellent lovers, using suitable divices along with their innate sense of humor, they can gain entrance in any circle of society with equal ease. They cannot tolerate possessive or domineering people either for marriage or for friendships. They have a tendency to regard their wives as being pals, buddies, or partners. Their sense of modesty will not allow them to attract too much attention publicly. They are not overly drawn to the home atmosphere since their interests often take them far afield.

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PISCES WOMEN: Extremely dependent, sentimental, emotional, demonstrative and capable of being vindictive. They are in love with love and have very high requirements for their husbands. Devoted to anyone who understands them, they shower gifts, blessings and sexual pleasures upon them. They need continual reassurance of love and acceptance. Usually impractical, money means very little to them. They demand luxuries to be showered upon them as evidenceof their worth. Their hearts rule their heads, and they often try to make themselves over for someone else's idea of what they should be. They are delighted just to be asked to do something for somebody else. Housework is something to be gotten through somehow, and is not always efficiently handled. They adore anyone who shows them an ounce of appreciation. Sexual expression is extremely important to them. They need something or someone to love and children often fulfill this need.

PISCES MEN: Highly sensitive, those men often need special handling. Lacking in self-confidence and self-interest, they search for friends and lovers who will be more dominant than themselves. They spend lifetimes in search of father and mother images. Usually quite impractical they frequently lose their shirts in business or investments, for they have no financial sense at all. They are dreamers, and the creative arts are their major forte. Extremely emotional, their lovemaking is sometimes quite frienzied. Deeply moody and easily depressed they can be quite self-destructiive at times. They need the attentions and interest of a strong wife in order to feel secure. They are not easily tied to one woman for they are the lovers of the zodiac, finding reason for sexual expression everywhere.

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