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Reports on Afghanistan

"The CIA Operation Cyclone's Blowback" written a few days after 911
AHMAD ZAHIR - Bulbul-i-Afghan
"The Afghan Equation" in Human Rights Tribune
"Inégalité politique et inégalité dans le gouvernement et la Loya Jirga" in
"Afghanistan: Operation Freedom to Operation Forgotten"
Globalization and Americanization in Afghanistan
Modern Education in Afghanistan
The Implementation of Constitutional Human Rights in Afghanistan
Afghan History: kite flying, kite running and kite banning
Afghanistan's Internal Refugees: "Trapped at the Margins"
The Great Game of the 21st Century: "Civil Liberties, Social Justice & Nation Building"
"The Man Behind the Epic: Mir Ghulam Muhammad Ghobar"
Landmines: "Reaping What Has Been Sown"
Chasing the Dragon in the Golden Crescent: Story of Afghan Opium
The Dreaded Devil's Spiral: Treaties & Events leading to the 1979 Invasion"
"From Aryana to Afghanistan: The Historic Role of the Afghan Flag "
"The Life of a 102 year-old Afghan Entrepreneur: An Economic Perspective"
"Light at the End of the Tunnel"
"Light One Nation Under God?"
"The Lost Treasures”
"Justice for All: Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine" in Al-Ahram Weekly
"Muffled Media: Media Blackout and Self-Censorship" about Edward Said printed in Al-Ahram Weekly
"In his footsteps" about Edward Said printed in Al-Ahram Weekly
"Providing Quality School Facilities for the Nation's Children" on February 4-5, 2001 at San Diego State University

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