Sexual Romantic Advise (That Mom Would Approve Of)
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Sexual Romantic Advise

(That Mom Would Approve Of)

"Psychic Friends Networks" are for Losers, be a Winner, give me a question!!!!!;}

Every month, NO EVERY WEEK, I will share some of the best questions and answers posted, such as this item:
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 18:02:09 -0700 (PDT) Josh wrote:

There's this girl I really like and I need to know what are some of the signs I should look for to tell that she likes me. Also what is a good way of asking her out? How could I get her to like me and want to go out with me(if she doesn't already like me)?



Hello Josh,
You too, sound as if you are are young. Look, girls are just as shy as guys and you are probably afraid to approach her. You know when it is the right time to talk to a person. Choose your moment and walk up to her, introduce yourself as if she does not know you, ask her for her full name (including middle) and ask what does she prefer to be called. Keep talking about her and finding out everything you can, then let her talk and listen attentively and comment in short replies. You know what clothes are your best, WEAR THEM, DRESS TO IMPRESS. If this does not work, Hey, you gave it your best shot, do not let it discourage you and MOVE ON.

Please e-mail me with your questions or concerns. I will give your question a day's thought and send an answer. If this answer in any way helps you, feel free to send any gift to:

P.O. Box 5825
San Jose, CA 95150

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