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Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

Okay...this is my castle. All you want to know behind the girl we call marilyn. *s*

Thanks for coming *s*. Sit yourself down, grab some popcorn and wander through, just don't touch anything *lol*

My name is Jenn. I am a 24 year old gemini who lives in Canada. I graduated from York University in Toronto!! I am a Women's Studies major, but my real career goal is to be an educated bum and professional chatter....*wonder how the pay is* *lol*
I still live at home with my parents.
I am a huge,huge Madonna and Marilyn Monroe fan and love Days of Our Lives
I love the summer and hate, hate, hate the winter. I love to rollerblade, camp, play basketball and, occasionally *lmao* I like to chat!!
March 1998 I went to Paradise
I am 5'10, I have brown hair and brown eyes.
I LOVE to get e-mail *hint*.

Please keep our children safe-- help prevent Child Abuse

Lil' Angels-a site dedicated to finding missing children.

Here are some of Jenn's favourite LINKS that have been passed on to her and now will be passed on to you:

The Marilyn Pages
The Rosie O'Donnell Show
Jack Handey Quotes
BearIsland and Beanie Babies
If Women Ruled the World
The Toronto Raptors
The Dolly Page

You will be able to find Jenn in the following places--in order of preference

The Gathering Place
Hawaii Chat

An Honourable Mention

A special thank-you goes to Aqualung for his help in setting up this page
Thanks Aqua *hugz*


Pssst, if ya see this that means that I have met that person RT *s*

These are the very special people who have made this cyber-journey all the worthwhile, thank you *hugs*

COLEEN--my Romeo, my sister, and my shoulder to lean on--Luv ya lots Col **smooooch**
DARLING--she definitely is a darling, and she is also my cybermom. Like you said to me, the greatest thing that can happen on the net is when you find someone who touches your heart. I had the time of my life, mahalo...and you already know you are my hero *wink* Love you lotsa Pia *huge hug*
OPTIMUS PRIMAL--I have been blessed to have someone so special come into my life and touch my heart.
DRUCILLA--my adoptive sister, watch out guys, her lucky number is 10 *l*
AQUALUNG--Darling 's darling and my cyberdad
LUCKY--my r/t chickie whom I started out with on this cyber ya Jeanette...HA HA *quack quack*
TWICE AS SWEET (TAS)--my new found friend, a wonderful person with an incredible heart--if they only knew eh TAS *lol*
SNOW--*huge ONO's* for ya Snortski *L* Thanks for all your help and counselling Snowy *hug*
DOLLY--watch out if ya have ceiling fans!!!!! *lmao*
DAWNMARIE--my bitch sistah in crime *lol*
BRANDYWINE--my auntie with all the goodies, so be nice to her or I'll have to get rough.
SODIEPOP--my cybertwin *L* You are too sweet Sodie, luv ya darlin' *g* **hugs**
CYBERANGEL--my holier than thou auntie--but the halo is gold plated *giggle*
BROWNEYES--whatcha gonna do with that crowbar girl?? *L* *huge hugs*--luv ya sistah
MAMABEAR--the cutest, sweetest mom in the world *giggle* *huge hugs*
PEPPER--a very good friend I met in WWISPer *s* A good person with a tremendous heart and soul *s*
SNOWOWL--all I know is that SO will ALWAYS say hi to me now when she walks in the room *lol*--miss you SO if you happen to be reading this :-(
PSYCHO--the flirt, but one can't help but love him *g*
DAISEY DUKE--*wondering how she puts up with such a flirt *l*
SASSY--my Ontario sis and the first person from online that I met RT *hugs* Sass *S*
WILDFIRE--he's the HOTTEST horse I ever did see
BISCUIT--I'm his favourite "redneck"
SPOOK--what a babe *l*--he's not as scary as his name sounds; And NO Spook I do NOT have blonde hair *lol*
DILLIGAS--**big smoochies**, but remember, only 3 a day *lol*
DEVINE MZ.D--always has the joke of the day. Luv her even though she is ALWAYS making fun of me *hehe*
LORELI--my wifey *smoochies babeeee*

Any links ya find that are not linking, please email me, sanks *s*

Next is my guestbook ...

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!


I love getting email!!!

Roll the dice for a random link or add your site to the random link database.
