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August 6, 1997

Here's the transcript of the August 6 chat session with LAURA MOSS!!!

Laura Moss Conference Transcript 8/6/97

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Hello and welcome to Another World's Conference with Laura Moss (Amanda Cory)! I am Mack, your host and one of the Soap Forum's AW Section Leaders! I am very glad you've joined us tonight!! This conference is to be formal in nature. If you have a question, please type a *?* and you will be called on in turn. Please limit your turn to two questions each. Now for some background on our guest! :-)

Laura Moss, who made her daytime debut in the key role of Amanda Cory in December, 1996, was born and raised in Kings Mountain, NC. While attending the North Carolina School of the Arts, she was seen on stage in regional productions of "Trojan Women," "Merrily We Roll Along," "Balm in Gilead," "Stepping Out," "Top Girls," "The Kitchen," "Speed-the-Plow," and "Revenger's Tragedy." Moss's training includes musical theater with a concentration in voice as as alto/soprano. She also studied dance including jazz, ballet and modern composition.

 ANOTHER WORLD, a Procter & Gamble Production, is broadcast weekdays on NBC (check local listings). The Executive Producer is Charlotte Savitz and the Headwriter is Michael Malone. Let's have a great time tonight and y'all enjoy!!

Welcome Laura!

 Laura Moss: Hello everyone!

 Kelly : Hello, Laura!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: It's great to have you here tonight so let's get to the questions...

 Scott : Hi, Laura!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Tell us what you and Alexander have up your sleeve for Carl...

 Laura Moss: Oh my gosh...Well, Amanda's concern is for her mother, but Carl is consumed with revenge. Amanda is worried about her mother's safety, so she has her own agenda.. Alexander will guide her and be a sounding board for Amanda.

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Won't Rachel be hurt by her siding with the enemy?

 Laura Moss: But Amanda doesn't know -- obviously-- everything that Alexander has up his sleeve.

 Mack [AW Room 7]: LOL

 Laura Moss: Yes, and that is a struggle for Amanda that she has to come to terms with. She has to weigh the consequences of her actions, and it worries her.

 Sheila: Thanks Mack! Hi Laura! I'm so excited that you've come to chat with us online! I would like to know who you like to work with the best, and if you couldn't be Amanda, who would you like to be, and why?

Laura Moss: I enjoy working with Tom Eplin (Jake), because he's always full of surprises.. also Judi Evans Luciano.. and of course Charles and Victoria..

 Sheila: How neat! I remember Judi from her days on Guiding Light! <g>

 Laura Moss: Being a Cory I get to work with wonderful people, but if I could be another character on the show, I think it would be Felicia, because she has the kind of romantic life that Amanda longs for but doesn't have.

 Sheila: Neat!! Thanks a bunch!!

Mack [AW Room 7]: Who will be Amanda's new love interest since Neil has been let go from the show?

 Laura Moss: I think Amanda needs to do a little soul searching to find out what she needs, wants, and what will make her happy. I think she sees Jake as a possibility for love, not just a summer fling.. Neil was a fling for her, but she wants real love.. and i think she might find that in Jake. But she's going to have to look inside herself a little.

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Erin, go ahead

 Erin: Laura, are there any chances that Lindsey Lohan will return to her role of Alli once she's done filming her movie?

 Laura Moss: I don't think so.. however, I can't answer that for sure. She got a three picture deal with Walt Disney, so I imagine she's going to be very busy.. but she is dearly missed. She's doing very well!

 Scott : Hi, Laura, and thanks for being here tonight. I was just wondering, are you happy with the way your story is going, and is there anything that you'd like to change about Amanda?

 Laura Moss: I am happy with the way my story is going right now, because it's going to open Amanda's character up to more possibilities. It's a big storyline, and I'm nervous, but I think in the long run we will see Amanda blossom. I think Amanda just needs to open herself up to other people, and be a little less confrontational.. she's always looking for love and acceptance, but everything she does seems to prevent her from getting it. I'd like to see her get that love from herself.

 Scott : Kewl, Laura! Thanks!

 Kelly : Hi Laura, thanks for joining us this evening! What is a typical day like on the AW set for you?

 Laura Moss: On a typical day, I get there at 6:50 AM. We have dry rehearsal at 7 am, then I get hair and makeup done, then I head down to the set at about 8:30.. "lunch" is at 1 with a dry rehearsal, then we tape all afternoon. During any free time I am running around like a chicken with my head cut up, or I'm looking for my scene partner, or calling my mom, or I'll read a book.. or if I worked late the night before, i'll go to sleep. Whatever the case I'm usually busy. <G>

 Kelly : LOL thanks sounds like fun :D

 Jenn: Thanks Mack! Laura, what do you think of MM as headwriter??

Mack [AW Room 7]: That's a long day at work... <g>

 Jenn: sounds like it!

 Laura Moss: I've been very excited and pleased with the direction Michael has taken the show.. we have big storylines with lots of people woven in.. so I've been very happy. And of course I like his ideas for Amanda!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: He'a a great writer involving lots of characters into one story...

 Jenn: It's good when you find a writer you can work with!

Dee : Laura, how do you balance what is written in the scripts and putting an element of yourself into it? Is this meddling character a fit for you or do you consider yourself more of a sweet serious type of character?

 Laura Moss: I'm a very private person.. I don't meddle and I don't like them -- so it's very funny that Amanda is a meddler -- but I think she's hungry for attention, so she'll go anywhere for it. I'm a lighthearted, easygoing person -- but there are a lot of things about Amanda that we have in common.. we're both sassy.. and both very determined gals.. and we both speak our minds -- right or wrong! But the problem is, she's not always right! (she's usually wrong <G>). well, so am I. :-)

 Kelly : LOL

 Mack [AW Room 7]: What about all the cast changes going on? Can we expect anyone else to leave Bay City anytime soon?

 Laura Moss: I hope not!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: LOL-

Dorian : Laura, who are you friendly with off of the set?

 Laura Moss: I feel very close to the entire cast, but none of us really have a lot of time to do much of anything outside of work -- I usually don't -- so when I'm not at work, I'm learning lines, cleaning my place, or getting a workout if I can. I'm very busy! But I'm very fond of the entire cast.

 Stephanie [eDrive]: What is your dream storyline?

 Laura Moss: Ahh! Well, hmm... I really like the plans that they have for Amanda.. I couldn't have thought anything better myself, but like I said before, I'd like to see her blossom, loosen up, have some fun, discover things about herself and grow. I'd also like to really seem them develop the relationship between Alli and Amanda.. Amanda is still growing up, so it would be fun, and it would have lots of depth.. to watch a young mother trying to be a mother. Another storyline would be to see this woman who is more career-oriented and her intimate life is shut up, to have that life unlocked. I saw "Woman of the Year" the other day and I'd like to see them do that storyline with Amanda.

 Shannon ;-): Laura, is there anyone you'd love to grab off the set and run away with (and the camera man doesn't count! LOL!) ?? <wink!> Also, if you could be a drink, what kind would it be and why?? <evil grin!> Inquiring minds want to know!! Heehee!

 Laura Moss: the boom guy? <G> And re: drink.. Amanda would be a cosmopolitan, and I would be a glass of Chianti.

 Stephanie [eDrive]: good answer!

 Shannon ;-): ROFL Laura!!

 Laura Moss: Either way you'd have to get adjusted!

 Stephanie [eDrive]: LOL

 Shannon ;-): And that's a great answer!! How come Chianti though??

 Mack [AW Room 7]: LOL!

 Shannon ;-): ROFL!!! That's for sure!!!

 Stephanie [eDrive]: Sha---it's strong.....but very tasty!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Are you looking forward to having the character of Matt back in Bay City? Will there be any sibling rivalry?

Laura Moss: I don't think so.. when Matt left, he agreed that Carl was no good for mom, and my guess is he'll come back en guard to Carl.. he'll side with Amanda.

 Shannon ;-): thanks Laura!! :-) Ahhhhh!!! Makes sense then!! <wink!>

 Kathy : Laura, is Robert Kelker-Kelly as gorgeous in person as he is on TV/ <swoon!> <g>

 Laura Moss: Even more Kathy<G>

 Shannon ;-): Hey, I'll take him home and dress him up as a hero sandwich, Kel! <EG>

 Eve : <double swoon>

 Kelly : You're so lucky :D LOL sha!!!

 Eve : Rofl Sha!

 Shannon ;-): <wink!>

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Laura, what do you think of Vicky's triangle and will you be involved in it with Jake?

 Laura Moss: I don't think they know what they're going to do yet.. but I think we'd have a really good time! I like both of them a lot, I like working with them. Amanda sure doesn't like Vicky. No one's allowed to have their cake and eat it too <G>. she's just too perfect.

 Stephanie [eDrive]: if you want to voice your opinion about the triangle and if Amanda should be a part of it....write to the show!

 Shannon ;-): Laura, did you grow up watching soaps, and if so, which one(s) did you watch? If you didn't, WHY NOT?? <VBG>

 Kelly : LOL

 Laura Moss: My aunt Betty babysat me and every afternoon we would watch Y&R , which I would call the "Young and the Old," and then we watched ATWT and GL.. we watched the CBS lineup for a long time... growing up, my mom tuned into GL.. I was not a religious soap watcher, but I can still tell what's going on in all of those shows!

 Laura Moss: I do wish I had watched AW.. Douglas Watson was so dynamic!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Who will you be voting for - Donna or Grant for Mayor of Bay City?

 Laura Moss: Well, definitely Donna!

 Eve : ITA

 Shannon ;-): LOL! KEWL!! ( I used to be the GL Section Leader!) You're mom's one kewl lady!! <G>

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Yes he was it was good to see him on VW's anniv.

 Laura Moss: The 25th anniversary show just blew me away -- he was fantastic! I wish I could have seen him. Well well well... I think Amanda should run for Mayor---she would get one vote (from her mother, maybe) <G>

 Shannon ;-): LOL!

Eve : LOL!! She would be a great mayor!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: LOL

 Scott : Wouldn't she vote for herself? <g>

 Laura Moss: LOL....We'd have fashion laws if Amanda was mayor. Well, two votes. Gee, thanks <G>

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Something tells me Grant will win and make everyone's lives miserable

 Shannon ;-): ROFL!!!

 Laura Moss: It would certainly make Amanda's life miserable! Maybe the whole town should just pack up and move..

 Eve : LOL

 Mack [AW Room 7]: ROFL! :-)

 Linda: What was it like to see all the other Amandas on Victoria Wyndham's anniversary??

 Laura Moss: I wish I could have seen more of them.. but wow, we all look different!

 Linda: ROFL!!

Laura Moss: I wish I could have seen them, act with them.

 Shannon ;-): like the movie, "Multiplicity"??? <VBG>

 Mack [AW Room 7]: A blonde, a brunette, and a red head...

 Laura Moss: right.. an Amanda reunion <G>

 Eve : LOL!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: and the Alli's matched their moms...

 Laura Moss: We'll do a few song and dance numbers..

 Scott : Of course, no one in Bay City notices the difference, do they? <g>

 Laura Moss: one would be about Grant..

 Shannon ;-): LOLOL Laura!!!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Will we be seeing more of your new brother and sister Cory & Elizabeth anytime soon?

 Linda: Thanks Laura! I am imagining that in my head! LOL!

 Eve : Rofl Laura

 Laura Moss: I'm not sure.. they're such little tykes that it's kind of risky bringing them on to the set.. but these babies have been excellent.. didn't they air a couple of days ago? They were so dynamic.. and I think they are in some scenes I have next week. Stay tuned!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Yes and there so BIG for premie newborns <g>

 Laura Moss: <G>

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Aren't they twin brothers playing the part?

 Laura Moss: I believe so, yes.Well, they look the same to me! <G>

 Mack [AW Room 7]: LOL well they're twins...

 Shannon ;-): Laura, what DO you think of Amanda's wardrobe, or LACK of it?? <VBG>

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Amanda Queen of the miniskirt <g>

 Jim : ROFL

 Kelly : that was Scott's question wasn't it Sha he didn't have the courage to ask it <duck>

 Shannon ;-): LOLOL! Boy, I'd be afraid to bend over! <wink!>

 Scott : What was that, Kel? <vbg>

 Kelly : LOL about the miniskirt Scott :D

 Laura Moss: (groan!) If they get any skimpier <G>... well, some of her stuff I like.. I like the double-breasted pantsuits, they're sharp.. i do not prefer the miniskirts of the bikinis! But we have moved more towards pants lately, I'm excited about that.. we have a new costume designer.. it's hard to be taken seriously at the newspaper in a miniskirt!

 Scott : You guys make me sound like such a lech. <g>

 Laura Moss: I don't bend over <G>

 Eve : Very true Laura <g>

 Kelly : LOL!

 Jim : ROFL

 Mack [AW Room 7]: ROFL! :-)

 Kelly : only cause we like u scott <g>

 Shannon ;-): ROFLM@O!! Good thing, right, Laura?? <VBG>

 Laura Moss: It's OK.. my dad and I laugh about it all the time.

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Laura, was AW the first soap you tested for, or what roles got away?

 Laura Moss: AW was the first one. That's great landing the first job <g>

 Shannon ;-): that's good to know! Thanks Laura! <g>

 Kelly : Laura what was it like having Joan Rivers on the set (if this was asked forgive me) and did she let anyone wear her jewelry?

 Eve : Great luck Laura

 Laura Moss: I was up for the role of Susan Sarandon's daughter in her upcoming film.. but then at the last minute they cast Claire Danes. It was a funky role <G>.. I always get these funky women!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: LOL...

 Shannon ;-): LOLOL! But they are fun to play, right??

 Laura Moss: I didn't work on the days she taped, unfortunately -- but I hear her voice in NYC cabs!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Bad is always better to play... Laura, do you think Niko's first wife is alive and will rise from the dead?
Mack [AW Room 7]: I believe her name is Diana....

 Laura Moss: Hmmm... interesting one.. I'll pass that on to Michael! They pretty well established that Carl killed her, but that would be an interesting twist.

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Stir up a little trouble in Bay City <g> She wouldn't be the first person on a soap to rise from the dead...

 Well our chat has come to an end...Thanks Laura for a great chat!

 Kelly : Laura thanks for joining us!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: We want to extend a special thanks to the incredible eDrive staff, who helped make this conference possible: Michael Bolanos [President & CEO], Stephanie Seplow, and Tonia Raebiger. Also, we'd like to extend our thanks to Christa Ryan [Sysop], Kelly McGlynn [Forum Manager], Mack Avara [eSoap/AW] // host, Scott Novick [eSoap/B&B]//Greeter, and Shannon Patton [Forum Manager] // Queue Keeper.

 Shannon ;-): Thanks for being such a great sport Laura!! <G>

 Laura Moss: This has been fun! I love getting mail from you -- good or bad, that's the truth. I hope you enjoy what's coming up.. I know I will! Let's see what happens together &ltG>.

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Entertainment Drive's eSoap Forum (GO ESOAPS or GO SOAPFORUM) is the preeminent place in cyberspace to talk about your favorite shows with other soap fans. You can also get the inside gossip on stars, download photos, and keep up-to-date on everything pertaining to daytime drama!

 Shannon ;-): ^^^^^^^<clapping>^^^^^^^^^^

 Scott : Thanks for being here, Laura!

 Mack [AW Room 7]: Check out the biography and photos of our guest Laura Moss (and other AW stars) in Library 7, LMOSS.TXT, LMOSS.JPG.

GO VIEWER to download the GO EDRIVE Windows Movie Viewer. Dearchive with STUFEX.SEA on the Mac

 Stephanie [eDrive]: Good night everyone!



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