Larissa Volochkov
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In memory of Larissa Volochkov

Many of Larissa's friends already know this but if you surfed to here from her webring you may not know. Larissa passed away the night of October 3rd from a diabetic coma. We have prepared this page in memory of Larissa, as she was an inspiration to many people.

A Poem for my Sister

By Marcus Volochkov

You will always be in our hearts,
Our prayers,
Our spirits.

You were an inspiration,
To those who knew you,
And those who never did.

You were a gift of beauty,
Of happiness,
Of love.

I miss you,
You're always,
In my dreams.

Larissa Rebecca Volochkov was born on January 15th, 1980 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. When she was 17, our family moved to Niagara Falls, Ontario where Larissa only lived for a few months. She was then accepted to train in a gym in Orlando, Florida, USA to prepare for the 2000 Olympic Games as a member of the US team. Larissa's dream was always to become an Olympic gymnast and for a while, it looked like her dreams were going to come true.

The tragic day of September 28th, 1997 shattered Larissa's dreams. During school, she went into a diabetic coma and was rushed to the hospital. Larissa did not know she was a diabetic, and although she followed a strict diet for her gymnastic training something went badly wrong. Unfortunately, Larissa was unable to pull out of the coma and she died only a few days later.

Larissa's Sites

Although Larissa had a busy schedule with gymnastics and school she had another love for the Internet. She had created several pages on her own, or with friends. This was originally the main page of her website, which was moved to another page so the memorial page could be built.