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Foo Fighters

The Foo Fighters

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Foo Fighters Welcome to my Foo Fighter's Page. There is nothing much here but there will all the songs for your listening pleasure with the use of Real Audio. I will have infoomation regarding the Foo Fighters. Bad News: Pat Smear left the band to pursue his own musical interests. This is too bad because Pat is a talented guitarist. This revelation occurred during the MTV Video Music Awards before the show. This web page has received a face lift. Sorry if you have come to this page and not found anything. I was busy with my other endeavors. I have some general stuff such as software. I changed the page because there seemed to be some traffic on this site. If there are more hits then more features will arise in the future. I have links for some free software. This software is licensed to be used for a 90 day free trial. The links connect to my server. These are some common programs and I wanted to created a place to access all of them. Enjoy!!! Visit my server's home page.

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