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It's Karebear's Everything Page!
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It's Karebear's Everything Page!

Thursday, March 15, 2001

So much for updating frequently, but to be honest, this is a lot sooner than how long it took me last time to update. I'm no longer jobless! I work at an office furniture store here in Fresno, and I'm really loving it! I mean, it is tedious work and all, but I love tedium. :)

Anyways, I think I might finally be getting used to being single (or not!) I definitely do not like the idea of being used to something like that. Does anyone want to be lonely? Not me!

I've been working on my mp3 collection, and I think it's getting better all of the time. One of these days I'll have to put my list into text on here, but we'll see how soon that actually is.

If somehow you made it here and you have not already said something to me, feel free to contact me. I'm on ICQ (see below), Yahoo (karebare_19), AIM (karebear192000), and MSN messenger ( That's all I have to say about that!

Saturday, January 27, 2001

Well, many of you have been urging me to update this page, as it said that I was still married, and even trying for kids (for crying out loud!!!) Well, since I was already accomplishing those major life changes, I guess I decided I might as well go all out and get myself academically disqualified from school as well. So now I'm jobless, too. Hopefully that will change, soon! (I may have one as soon as Monday!)

Okay, my plan is to update this frequently. My thinking is that since I'm on the computer so darned much anyway, I might as well go all out and do this, too. Do you really think I will. I'm doubting myself already, and this is only my first entry. Wish me luck!

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