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Andy's Birth Family Reunion

Andy's Birth Family Reunion

Thanks for stopping by, Please use the pull down menu below the picture to navigate the site!

Updated- 2-1-99

If this is not your first time here please refreash your browser,
as the site is EVER changing.
Please excuse the non-conformance of the backgrounds, however each page has it's own personality.... ;-{>
With all of the great stuff folks are creating out there I could not make up my mind.
Please sign the guestbook so we know you came by
-Heck it's easy I put one on every page!

Here She is Barbara, my long lost Birth mother
Now click on the picture to hear the story and see more pictures.

Go to The Web Rings

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This Background was created by

welcome graphic by Destiny,
this is a fantastic graphics resource!

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AAA Matilda United States