Joels KISS page

Hi,hows it goin'? I'e had this page up for quite awhile now so I hope that you enjoy it. Last year for a talent show my band dressed up as KISS and did quite a good impersonation so we've heard. It's talent show time again and we're busy practicing. Unfortunatly we need a new name, not relavent to KISS though. We NEED you advice and votes for a new name, so please don't hesitate to email me your suggestions. Our current one is Joel's Place since we always play at my house. This is just a fan page dedicated to the worlds hottest band with a few of my opinions in her about music. I play the 6-string, Bass, and Drums in case you wanted to know, and I'm a lead and back-up vocalist. Eric Carr was one of the greatest drummers alive and will always be remembered for it. Peter Criss is very excellent also in how he never holds back on a thunderous solo. I'd have to say it's a very close tie between Ace Frehely and Angus Young of AC/DC for my favorite soloist. And of course Gene Simmons is my favorite Bassist and musician ever. I've got quite a few of the bands old records at my house (9 of the old painted up ones, plus the last revenge, alive III, and psycho circus). I'd recommend all of these alblums to anyone thinking about getting hooked on KISS. Well, gotta go, don't forget to email me.

You can mail me at the bottom of the page if you want.see ya!
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For anyone who doesn't know, all KISS fans around the world are now celebrating the release of The first KISS alblum with the original members in over 18 years. The name of this disc is called Psycho Circus. I just saw the alblum in a store and it looks great. If you want to know more about it, there was a Kiss issue of guitar world for October, You might be able to find it, Or pick up a copy of the latest Metal Edge magazine. I've also seen the official KISS magazine at a 7-11 near my place, and it look s great.

Top 5 reasons to play guitar:

  • Chicks dig guys in a band
  • Unless you play punk you'll have talent
  • It's fun to jam
  • Make money on the corner
  • better than the acordian

My Links
Gene Simmons
Ace Frehley
Paul Stanley
Peter Criss
Angus Young
Kiss movies
Great Kiss collectables site.

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