July 3


"God has not thrown me away. I am in His mind day and night, and His thoughts are at work to do me good."

Sincerity enables the Christian to think and speak well of God. A deceitful man's countenance droops and his heart enlarges with venom against God. He dares not let it come out of his mouth but it festers in his deepest thoughts. Because the wretched man does not love God, he has no place in his soul to reflect on God's goodness. He fumes and frets and forgets the abundant blessings God has brought in the past and gives in to resentment because of his present problems. And he would much rather curse God than take the blame himself.

But the sincere Christian cherishes such sweet thoughts of God that his meditations unite him with peace and he would not consider speaking unworthily of God's glory or goodness. We see this in David: "I was dumb, I opened not my mouth; because thou didst it" (Psalm 39:9). Both his spirit and body were afflicted at the same time; he was sad and sick, yet he remembered where the affliction came from. "This is from You, Lord, and I love You dearly; so I can take it without fear. After all, You might have thrown me into a bed of flames instead of a bed of sickness; so let me accept my correction thankfully." Thus he fielded the blow without sending words of resentment or anger back upon God.

Sincerity enables the soul to expect good from God. It would break a heart of stone to read the sad cries which David's soul made when he was in anguish of flesh and agony of spirit. Yet even in this storm he cast out his anchor until it took hold of God: "In thee, O Lord, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God." (Psalm 38:15). His expectation of good from God absorbed the bitterness coming from his pain: "I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me" (Psalm 40:17). His condition was pitiful but his comfort was even stronger: "God has not thrown me away. I am in His mind day and night, and His thoughts are at work to do me good."

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