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It was twenty years ago today...
General Leo taught the band to play...

They've been going in and out of style...
but they're guaranteed to raise a smile...

So let me introduce to you...

The act you've known for all these years...

UPDATE! 10.05.02: Another Final Fantasy: The Worlds Collide update. In order to not forget what I did in these games, I'm now recording my progress in journal form. No big spoilers this update, but I can't make promises for the future. Make sure you've beaten these games before you actually check my progress. Other than that, new quotes. And as for our counterpart, RPG TV, it will be updated soon. I'm just sorting out the images I'll be using in Funnie Fantasy.


Final Fantasy Quote of the Week.
The Beatles Quote of the Week.

General Leo's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Magical Chocobo Tour

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy Collision

Also, be sure to tune into RPG TV

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