by S. H. Shakman 

Copyright 1996-1998, all rights

"It can be said, regarding Medicine, that one who knows only
current information about Medicine does not even know that."   
(SIR WILLIAM OSLER, in J. F. A. McManus, The Fundamental Ideas    
of Medicine, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1963, p.6)
How can it be, in the presumably brilliant intellectual climate of 1997, that two groups of well-respected medical and scientific experts have essentially opposite views on the role of HIV in AIDS? On the one hand, influential researchers including Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health and Robert Gallo of claimed HIV- discovery fame assert that HIV causes AIDS; on the other hand, a number of equally creditable researchers, including Peter Duesberg of U.C. Berkeley and Nobel laureate Carey Mullis of U.C. San Diego, assert that HIV does not cause AIDS. Neither position is based on frivolous conjecture; both groups essentially KNOW that they are right. And essentially, they may be, if, as appears with ever-increasing certainty, AIDS is a typical "oral-focal" disease.

AIDS - A Typical "Oral-Focal" Disease?

Similarities between AIDS and MS [*1] have long been recognized, prompting the hope that future advances in AIDS research might benefit investigations into MS and other presumably related diseases [*2]. Ironically, a long-ignored monumental body of work by the late Dr. Edward C. Rosenow. of the Mayo Foundation, involving MS and other diverse diseases, may hold the keys to unravelling the many mysteries surrounding the syndrome known as AIDS.

During an active professional career spanning more than a half- century and including nearly three decades with the Mayo Foundation (1915-1944), Dr. Rosenow detailed the role of bacteria (and/or their derivatives) emanating from "oral foci" in the causation of MS and a wide range of other diseases. This work included reference to disease of "blood-building tissues" [*3], a condition which might be interpreted as related to modern-day AIDS. Beyond this nice coincidence, some particularly important recent advances in understanding AIDS provide a seemingly decisive link to Dr. Rosenow's emphasis on the role of oral foci in systemic disease:

A Proven Autogenous Vaccine-Therapy

Dr. Rosenow's work emphasized the primary importance of the removal of offending foci [*7], but cautioned that this action may not alone be sufficient to halt disease processes in cases where secondary foci are become well- established. However, Dr. Rosenow employed therapeutic vaccines which reportedly worked wonders [*8] in numerous patients with various conditions. If the disease condition known as AIDS is correctly grouped with conditions with which Dr. Rosenow worked, we may expect similar results. This in turn may serve to revive public awareness of the depth and broad scope of Dr. Rosenow's contributions to understanding and combatting human disease.

In the case of AIDS, the proper use of Dr. Rosenow's methods would be expected to yield the pathogenic phase of the causative organism of AIDS (as demonstrated by Dr. Rosenow in so many other conditions [*3]), which organism would be capable of replicating the disease conditions in laboratory animals (the lack of a so-called "animal model" for AIDS has been cited as a key factor inhibiting AIDS research [*9]); and also serving as the foundation for highly specific therapeutic vaccines.

Regarding a program of therapy for AIDS, beyond the indicated removal of offending oral foci of infection, particular attention may be given to Dr. Rosenow's regimen of autogenous "vaccine" (antigen) and antibody against MS [*10].

At first glance, the hypothesis of AIDS as a typical "oral-focal" disease may seem far removed from the continuing controversy over the relationship between AIDS and HIV; in reality, the latter is readily explained by the former:

HIV-AIDS Controversy Resolved

Over the past several years, the conventional view that HIV is related to the cause of AIDS has been challenged by a small but reputable group of scientists, notably Dr. Peter Duesberg of Berkeley who maintains that HIV is too weak to cause AIDS. In accord with the works of Dr. Rosenow, the entity commonly found to be associated with AIDS, HIV, could be a dissociative form or invasive phase of a pathogenic streptoccal form, or both. Such dissociations and possible reversions to parent forms, under favorable conditions, have been discussed by several workers up to the present [*11].

Specifically, in the case of the HIV-AIDS controversy, Dr. Rosenow's methodology for effecting dissociation of streptococcal forms into filtrable (viral) forms [*12] would be expected to yield a filtrable phase of the AIDS organism. Should this be found to be HIV and the process demonstrated as reversible, this would show (a) how HIV might comprise an essential invasive phase of the organism that conveys AIDS, but, at the same time, (b) explain why this same HIV (phase) itself is apparently incapable of directly causing AIDS. The possibly-common occurrence of reversible dissociation of bacterial species) has been prominently documented, from early in the century. [*13]

Pending the establishment of mechanisms for proper production of therapeutic (S. rosenow) vaccines in accord with Dr. Rosenow's methodology, an immediately available interim measure that might be utilized is "autohemotherapy" in its original and predominant form - the prompt intramuscular or subcutaneous reinjection of autologous (one's own) whole blood [*14]. Regardless of the identity or source of the organism that causes AIDS, it is known that some form of the causative organism is in the blood; thus, as first suggested by Cuyugan in 1988 [*15] , autohemotherapy would be expected to have therapeutic value, presumably acting to some extent as an autogenous vaccine. It is noted that a more complex, experimental form of autohemotherapy [*16] has been proposed for AIDS, seemingly paving the way for trials of the simpler original method.


This article is an electronic preprint of a paper to be proposed to the Journal of Infectious Disease, in which journal Dr. Rosenow published some 53 articles spanning the period 1904-1945.

For further information on Dr. Rosenow's work, as well as specific documentation supporting the hypothesis of AIDS as a typical focal disease, please consult E. C. Rosenow (1875-1966) & Associates -- A Reference Manual -- medical guide of the future, by S.H.Shakman


Copyright 1996-1998; all rights reserved.
First posted at in 1996; reposted here 23 October 1998.