




p. 44 note 39. 

    “Hunt continues for first ‘cause’ of the malignant overgrowths.  Authority finds it in ‘hereditary,’ constitutional weakness or infection.  These facts appear:  family history may or may not rise as ghost in the specific case; the qualities of constitutional change are universal, not local as in tumor; infection has not been ‘proved’ but has the best of it.

     “The carcinomas of the alimentary tract, for example, predominate on lips, tongue, tonsils, gastro-duodenal triangle, appendix region, sigmoid and rectum.  They show strange capacity for missing esophagus, cardiac end of stomach, twenty feet of small intestine and most of the large bowel.  The points struck are identical with those most commonly the subject of infection either direct or metastatic (focal). 

     “Similar argument holds for the carcinomas of the uterine cervix or the mammary gland.  How could any malignancy, beginning as it does in a spot of square yards of similar tissue have behind it any kind of constitutional change?  The activity of a microorganism producing local change (like the elaboration of an anthracene-like body) could explain the total picture.

     “Within a month, three years ago, we saw the following initiations of “cancer”: (a) from the tongue opposite a single carious tooth, (b) from the edge of a half-dollar-sized and age-old pigmented mole, (c) from the margin of a twenty-year old ulcer consequent upon a “burn” initiated by a grenade exploded in the boot.  We have never observed a malignancy, even in the young, in individuals not possessed of obviously bad teeth and tonsils.

     “To the tumor-like products of infection (yeast infections particularly) described about 1900 by Henry George Plummer, Ludvig Hektoen, W E Coates, etc., Erwin F Smith (Jour Agric Res 21, 593, 1921) added those consequent upon the effects of crown-gall inoculations into various plant structures.  In 1920(!) he produced neoplastic-like structures through direct application of dilute acids and alkalies, and by schemes which “limited the intake of oxygen, thus compelling the cells themselves to manufacture the stimulus which leads to the development of hyperplasias” (Arch Derm and Syph, 176, 1920).  C Bonne and J H Sandground (Am Jour Cancer 37, 173 (1939) ) have more recently described the effects of chronic infection of the gastric mucosa in monkeys in the production of what histologically appear as malignant overgrowths by what they declare their cause, a nematode (Nochtia nochti).”




BREAST “TUMORS” – disappeared after oral focal infections were removed, pp. 148-150:

[p. 148] 

     “The following medical history was penned by George E. Decker (October 28, 1936).  He asked that a letter enclosed from his fifty-year old married female patient, P.J.C., be returned.  He had long taken care of her but she, having moved from Davenport, had not returned for counsel until some eight months earlier.  She was ill of ‘heart disease,’, but complained, too, of a ‘tumor’ in her left breast.

     She had a lot of symptoms in April 1936, all stemming back to myocardial weakness with auricular fibrillation.  This in turn seemed to depend on the condition of her teeth and x-ray survey confirmed our suspicions.  She had to have her work done at home but when she consulted her local dentist she was told that the extraction of her teeth would be nothing less than a crime.  Returning in a state of confusion she asked me what to do.  I told her to go home and do just as I had ordered. … This small, very tender tumor [p.149] was under the edge of the areola.  It is the second subacute inflammation of this type that I have seen disappear after infected teeth had been removed properly.  I have another such case pending which promises a similarly good result.  It has seemed to me for a long while that when one of these tumors is discovered because it is tender, it is apt to be of inflammatory origin, at first anyway. … I am working with W.W. Herrman (Professor of Bacteriology in the University of Iowa) sending him selected specimens of infected teeth properly collected and he reports that he recovers streptococci in a considerable percentage of them.  He is positive that he gets them out of the pulp chambers and that there is no contamination in any of these cases.  Of course I do not send him any teeth in which the pulp chamber has ever been opened or otherwise tampered with.

    “Word from the patient (October 21, 1936) included ‘If I felt any better I would have to take something for it. … The tumor scare I guess was just a swelled gland that disappeared in a short time’.

    “Of greater interest to the patient than a subsidence of such constitutional symptomatology as lies in a heart, a rheumatism ,or a neuritis, is any kind of ‘tumor’ as discovered here in the breast.  We have had some experiences like those of Decker in several women.  Surgical diagnosis had in their instances also read ‘tumor’, but a happier than anticipated resolution pointed more correctly to the diagnosis of a metastatically induced mastitis.  The account of one, follows.

July 10, 1938, the appendectomized, thin, thirty-five year old, farmer’s wife, F.F., the mother of four well children, suffered a chill, complained of a ‘stiffness’ in her throat, had headache, constipation and aversion for food.  Because ‘so tired’ she went to bed.  When examined four days later she complained of dull pain in the right subcostal region that went through to her back; she had had no bowel movement for four days, and was obviously yellowed.  The mouth temperature was 102.5 degrees F and the pulse, 86.    Great tenderness was elicitable over the gall bladder, and the edge of her liver could be felt.  Nothing else physically wrong was discovered except that her tonsils were smaller and firmer than normal and a greenish pus was expressible from them.  The eight posteriors of her thirty-two teeth, too, were blue and some filled with amalgam. 

    [p.150]   “ –On Calomel, Epsom salts, bed rest and an unrestricted diet, she recovered so that at the end of two weeks she showed mouth temperatures of 99 degrees F only on some afternoons with mild yellowing continuing of interdigital skin and eye-whites.  She had lost three pounds in the period of her illness and was still without appetite.  In this state she continued until August 19, 1938, when she was tonsillectomized.  Two weeks later she declared herself better than for a year past; and in the next six months gained ten pounds in weight, thus to weigh more than ever before in her life.

    “–October 21, 1939, she complained of a walnut-sized ‘lump’ in the lower and outer quadrant of her left breast of which she had become conscious in the preceding month.  The mass was sensitive, and  what were palpated as two thickened and tender ducts could be made out.  Surgical opinion was that the circumscribed pathologically affected tissues did not mark a beginning malignancy and that immediate removal was not indicated.  Origin of the mastitis was therefore laid in her teeth.   She consented to the gradual removal of five molars (November 1 go December 18, 1939).  February 15, 1940, her surgeon declared that the mass had so far disappeared that operation no longer seemed necessary; since which date all evidence of disease in the breast has gone.

    “Both the physician and the surgeon who see peripheral disease widely spaced as to time or to type incline to the view that such separate attacks arose de novo.  Why a series of ulcer or appendix attacks; or why, as here, heart disease with mastitis or gall bladder disease with mammary affect?  Such things as couples seem unrelated.  Yet as Billings and Rosenow early pointed out, the visual field is cleared at once if these repeated or differentiated diseases are viewed as the consequences of metastatic infection from a persistent focus of infection.  Yet more! 

    “Such repeated or coincidental pathological manifestation can be understood on no other ground.  Chorea, endocarditis and joint inflammations may, therefore, all appear simultaneously; or these afflictions of nervous system, heart and skeletal structure come about in succeeding decades.”



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