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Bowman Family Tree

The Bowman family who migrated from Chattonooga Tennessee to California.

Samuel Frank Bowman Born 3 July 1906 Died Aug 1977 Birth Place Tennessee Grandfather, he died in San Pedro California at his home, he died alone for his wife unknown first name died in the early 60's.

Raymond Frank Bowman Born 7 April 1935 Died 11 Mar 1994 Birth place Tennessee he had sister named Linda Bowman who married and has a known last name as Linda Lamas and she had two daughters named Dian and Allice Hauser unknown location. Married wife Dorothy L Mckennie Born n/a died n/a Current age 68 current resident Arkansas. Both R. Bowman and Dorothy L. Mckennie had a son named Samuel R. Bowman born in Torrance California and currently living in Riverside, Ca. he was born August 9, 1960 and was raised in San Pedro. Unfortunately this is the only history I have on my family and it's been hard to trace for my mother has utlzheimers and she is living in Arkansas and I have lost contact with everyone else in my family. If anyone who knows anyone listed in my family tree please contact me via e-mail. thanks. Sam Bowman. This page was created March 22, 1999. My ongoing pet project.


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