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Heather's Weight Loss Page


Welcome to my home page. I started this page after seeing a page from 3 Fat Chicks On a Diet's page. I found it very motivating and thought it would be nice to get my own e-mails from people who are struggling to lose weight just like I am. This is where I can write a brief history of my weight loss or gain life amongst other things. Please let me know what you think about my stories and journal like entries.

I am a twenty seven year old female who has been fighting with my weight since I was 8 years old. When I was 8 I was an excellent (or so they tell me) figure skater that was destined for the Olympics. One fine day after attempting to do a figure eight (which is not that hard to do) I decided to quit and that was the end of that! I continued to eat as much as I was eating when I was skating and just seemed to blow up like a balloon. My very first diet was when I was 10 years old weighing 160 pounds. I can remeber when my mother had to order clothes for me out of the womens section in the Sears catalogue. I was a size 16!! The kids at school were always making fun of me and mt self confidence was dropping fast. At that time I just figured that I was eating too much and not getting enough exercise. I never thought that maybe there was some type of eating disorder happening.

When my parents decided to get out of the big city and move to the "burbs" when I was 12 years old I can remember my mother making my clothes for my first day of my new school because I refused to walk into those "fat womens" clothing shops. I just couldn't handle the fact that I was now into the large size clothes. I wore the same outfits everyday because they made me look thinner. Sometimes I wore the same clothes everyday for a week before my mother insisted on me getting changed. The kids at my new school were friendly but I never have (and still don't) feel accepted by anybody. I felt that they were not becoming my close friends because I was fat. This is a theory that I still hold true now. For the life of me I can't figure out why my current boyfriend (who is a man that I love more than anything in my life) wants to be with me when I know and he knows that he can get better. I just figured when I was growing up that nobody wanted to be friends with a fat girl. It would damage their reputation.

I have decided to keep up with the story of my life every week just to keep people interested. I will be updating this page next on February 14th (Valentines day!!) but really want to receive any words of encouragement you may have. I will respond to anyone who e-mails me and am hoping to make alot of new friends via this method and that way we can support each other in our fight. WRITE SOON!! I AM WAITING!!!

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Want to read more about me?? Follow these links
3 Fat Chicks on a Diet- 3 fat sisters diet together offers advice and you can see how they are doing
Check out some pictures of my stepmonsters in action
Angelfire- Easiest Free Home Pages
Check out a few pictures of me now...
Why do I want to lose weight???
See my diet gang in action...this is my crew!
The Diet Buddy Network- A really great page full of information!!
