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Hi, thanx for dropping by... are you really that bored? =) Okie well, here's some info about mOi. My name is Hong Nguyen. I am a vietnamese gal. My name is a common one in Vietnam and it means rose or pink. I am 21, 5'4 (that's with platforms, hehehe).

During my free time I like to rollerblade, browse the net Internet and listen to music. I like to listen to all sorts of music. My favorite types are hip-hop, R&B, freestyles, and pop. I dislike alternative, classic, jazz, heavy metals and opera music. I also like to club, bowl, sing karaokes, shoot pool, dine out at restaurants and cafes, and shop =) I have to admit, I'm a major shopoholic. If I don't shop for a month (maybe weeks), I'll go nuts! SeRiOUsLy! =) Oh yeah, and how could I forget? I also love hanging out with my one and only boo, Kristian. My fave type of food is of course, asian food. Jap is my favorite... (I <3 California rolls)... it makes me drool just speaking of it! hehe =) I'm also an icecream freak... I'll always have room for them no matter how full I am =P

I was born in Saigon, Vietnam. My family and I imigrated to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada when I was about one. I know what you're thinking... YES, I'm a FOB and very proud to be one! =) For those who think that us Canadians live in igloos or wear huge thick layers of clothes all year round, well, you're wrong! Edmonton, is just like any other city. =P If you don't believe me, you can come see it for yourself! The largest mall in the World is situated here; which is pretty cool cuz that's where I do most of my shopping.

I am the youngest of 6 children. I have a sis and 4 bros. They're all very supporting and loving. Thanx to them, my parents are not as stricted now. I have to admit, I was spoiled. Being the youngest, I get more things and advantages than my siblings. Thats why, I Love beInG thE BaBy oF thE fAmiLy!! =D Nah, I'm not that spoiled... not that I think I am?? hehehe...

Currently, I'm a 4th year student at the University of Alberta. I'm in business majoring in Management Information Systems and minoring in Small Business Entrenpreneur. My dream is to finish school soon and be settled down for my career. Hopefully, one day I will be working for a very reputable successful company that will give me room for advancement. I also hope that I'll be rich and be able to buy my own Audi, Lexus, or BMW, or maybe all! Yeah right... Well, I still have a long way to go so I shouldn't get my hopes up.

N-e ways, that's all I can think of to say. Well, if something interesting pops up, I'll add it on. Until then, if you have any questions or comments about my homepage, feel free to email me =)



I'll Never Break Your Heart by the Backstreet Boys
You'll need to have a midifile player like Crescendoto hear this =T