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Karak's Hut

Hello traveller and welcome to my hut. This is my main site, with links going off of it to my other sites. In my hut you will be able to find things about my history, favorite games, and I also have an army that is still under construction. I will also give you a character sheet for Advanced Heroquest. If you go to my Quest List link you will need the sheet for him. First I will start it off with my history:

I live in Canada.
I really like goblins
I have over 250 figures
My favorite fantasy game is Heroquest, Warhammer 40,000 coming in second place.
I really like Lord Of The Rings Trilogy (Bilbo Baggins is cool)
I like playing Battletech
In my miniature cabinet I have a Sisters of Battle, Chaos&Eldar army, each about 1500 points. (I might show my Eldar army later)
My character sheet is very interesting
If you are going to go to the Elements Quest I suggest you go to my Quest List link first since it has all the hereo sheets for you to use
I like pizza
I like the movie Happy Gilmour
My best friend is Joel (Hi if your at this site)
Lastly I like to play Warcraft II on the modem against my cousin, who always beats my sorry @$$.
Here is everything (mostly) I have made up for Advanced Heroquest to make it a bit more fun.
First of all I would like to say how I make my characters get level-ups. When you are looking at the PV (point value for all those unexperienced players) All you do is add this up for all the guys you have killed. When you reach a certain amount (200 is how I like to play) you get to raise one skill by one point, not Fate or Wounds. After this first level-up you must double the experience (XP) needed to get a level up. So if you get a level one up at 200XP the next level will be 400XP, 800XP and so on and so forth. Once you reach level 5 I usually like to stop because then it becomes way to easy. (I once rolled 10 damage dice against a goblin, wow! how hard {sarcasm} )
Another thing I have invented is how you rate your characters. First add your Weapon Skill, Bow Skill, Strength, Toughness, Speed, Bravery, Intelligence, Fate Points and Wounds (add together all the current skills) After this add up your Damage Dice for all your weapons and +5 for every level-up you have gotten. The total is your character rating. The whole idea behind this is to make sure that a character with skills of all 5's doesn't play with a character with skill of all 10's.
Name: Skirm BloodBane
Race: Goblin
WS: 10
BS: 5
S: 8
T: 8
SP: 5
BR: 8
INT: 6
Fate: 2
W: 5
Weapons: Club=6 damage dice
Armor: Chain mail= -1 BS, +3 T, -1 SP
Items: Rat posion, Screech bug
Gold: 50
XP: 91
You may have noticed I have not gone by the rules totally but my GM agrees with it (Since my character gets to old to fight at battle level 5) NOTE: you may have seen him differently at my other websites but that is because that is either earlier of later.
BATTLE POEM Here is a nice, jolly poem from a White Dwarf Magazine:
From their holes and caverns creep
Ten million orc and goblin feet
With hungry hearts and sharpened knives they come to take your worthless lives.
(Told Ya' I Like Goblins)
Well now you know all the stuff I know (except my eldar army which I shall be putting on when this page is updated) Until then I hoped you like my page and if you have any comments about Warhammer 40,000 or Advanced Heroquest then please e-mail me. Also if you have a fantasy page could you link me (I would be grateful) Also sign my Guestbook. Anybody out there who would like to play Multi-player Warcraft 2 or Descent please, please E-mail me. My page will hopefully have a list of people willing to play either of these games multi-player so you can E-mail them for games. Bye. src=""> Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld

My Fantasy Links

Wizards Den
My Quest List
Elements Quest
143rd Acid Eaters
Kabay's Page
