2004 Rambles

11/17/2004-- 4:15PM-- at work-- yikes
So everyone (like there's people who actually read this on a regular basis; I love kidding myself) should visit sorryeverybody.com and take a look at all of the pictures. Working my way through I got a little teary-eyed, but also heartened because there are like-minded folk out there who were devastated and confused by the election. I hope everyone gets a chance to check the site out; it's RAD. That's it.

Check out my new(est) blog if you're really that interested: EAK the Monkey which may be updated more often than this. And again... world, we ARE very, very sorry. Peace.

So here's the thing. I can't stand what this country is doing but I can't stand to leave the country; I am at a crossroads. I love America. I love many of the things that make us american-- the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the provisions of the Constitution; the idea of faith and belief and optimism, the idea of equality, etc. et. al whatever. But...

I'm not down with the hijacking of this country that is going on; I'm not down with the war being fought in the name of the American people when AT LEAST 48% of America (depending on the pollster, it can be as high as 56 and as low as 42; this is the average) doesn't even AGREE with this war.

A friend of mine voted for Bush. So did my real father. Can I blame them? Yes, because the fockers both live in red states. Can I blame them for blind belief in something that I absolutely do not agree with? Maybe. Maybe they're victims of disinformation; maybe they're just bother too concerned with thier own live to bother looking into the real issues; looking past the tv cameras and the photo ops and the rhetoric and all of that. There was a link on allhatnocattle today that brought you to this guy who jibes Blair and Bush for thier language mangling. Now, I've mangled myself, but I also didn't go to Oxford or Yale (and it's not like Bush is doing anything great for my community college) and I also don't have the fate of the free world at the tip of my tongue. But the guy made a great point, in that there isn't anyone to actually stand up and say, Now, just what the fock does that actually MEAN??? to these politico's that run thier mouths, forget about verbs, and twist language.

I've come to terms with my father and my friend voting for the enemy... but this is one of the things the enemy has given us: photos from fallujah. The person who put this together really echoes what I feel-- I'm really angry with my country and I don't know what else to do. So I rant on this page, which no one reads, and I rant at my friends, I try to educate, I make posters, I've got bumperstickers, I work hard, I try and open minds, I'm on it. But there's only so many hours in the day and I live in California, so most of them have to be spent working so that I can continue to live the way I live; which, by all means, is fairly modest if not basically broke. Not poor,just broke. Which can be equally as devastating in the long run.


I have started to be at a loss for words over the whole situation. It's sickening that SH was doing horrible, genocidal things to his own people; it's good that he isn't in charge anymore. But replacing his brand of evil is another-- from one side, it's seen as the Americans infiltrating and occupying a homeland, killing thier "innocent civilians" and bombing mosques, religious buildings, schools and hospitals (collateral damage, what a horrible term)... hence what we call insurgents (who probably call themselves rebels or even just Iraqis) and on the other side, we have these insurgents who killing and kidnapping and beheading thier own people-- people who are trying to rebuild thier country, regain safety, become thier own rulers; and killing, kidnapping, maiming, beheading, attacking, destroying, and generally waging war on our troops and on "coalition" troops, journalists, aid workers, etc. So who is right and who is wrong?

Are we the world's police? Should we be? If we're "the most powerful nation on earth" and we don't give respect to international policing forces (like the UN) doesn't that mean we kind of have to be the world police? And in an instance like Iraq, are we engaging in... police brutality? Are we using our power wisely? Or are we engaging a culture into a war that will never end and is only getting started?

How does it get fixed? How does it change? It's not like anyone has a time machine and can go back and change history-- it's history, there's no changing it. And that's what bugs me the most about some of the people who I might politically fall in with-- get over it, we're in Iraq-- probably for illegitimate or unexplained or ulterior reasons, but we're there, our people our dying, their people are dying, and there has to be something changed. Obviously what's happening right now isn't working-- Iraqi's are resentful of the fact that mostly American industry is rebuilding thier country, they aren't hiring Iraqi's but importing help from other countries, the person who is in charge of thier country is a hand picked (some would say) puppet of Washington, and myriad of other reasons. But how does it get fixed?

And even if it gets fixed, where's the next police action (to continue with that analogy)... Are we going to finish what we started in Afghanistan (which you never hear about, even though American troops are dying there, too, and it is reportedly more of a terrorist hotbead than ever before) or are we going to move one? Are we going to take a step back and realize what the hell we've created in this messopatamia (to use the daily show's term) or what?

Yeah, I don't know what to say... but I guess it was more than I thought ;)


Okay, so I'm reading on All Hat, No Cattle (which is one of my favorite websites you should all go visit it...) about the four soldiers and twenty wounded in Iraq. But something that I've only seen on ABC news is that there is a fifth unaccounted for soldier. I'm really hoping that this soldier isn't unaccounted for because he's been kidnapped and is just waiting around to be beheaded.

I seriously don't understand why people join the army or the navy or the marines or the coast guard or any of that. I'd rather spend seven years getting my AA then volunteer to go join an institution that abuses women within its own ranks, an institution that expects you to give up your life for whatever cause the current commander in cheif decides is worthy (and is approved by congress, although for up to ninety days it can just be the prez, to my understanding... somebody correct me if I'm wrong) etc. et al.

I guess I'm a priveleged little white girl (who makes very little money and had to get a job at fourteen and have been working since)who can't abide by the military.

Maybe I'm just a punk.

This is not to say, though, that I don't support or appreciate those who do choose to enlist. Just because I don't understand the decision doesn't mean I don't support the decider. But I feel like this war is- not- well- yes, unnecessary. I feel like we've f*cked over our troops. I haven't even seen F911 yet and I feel that way, just from watching the news.

Everyday, KTVU Channel Two reports "The worst day of fighting yet since the official end to the war"... I think if you're fighting, and it keeps getting worse every day, um, The war just ain't over. Anybody else agree?

I wish I had the time, the wherewithall and the smarts to make a (political) assault on the people that are taking over our country. Or not necessarily taking over, but influencing tremendously and helping to proliferate the bread and cheese so that the masses are not concerned with what's happening. Although, it's really hard to be concerned with global and even domestic affairs when you can't even pay your rent.

I'm not excited about voting for John Kerry, but I like it better now that J. Edwards is around.

They should call it the John John ticket-- bring in all the walton fans and the kennedy memories...

I should get back to work. Cause I'm boring yall anyway :)

6-18- hungover. Can't type very well. Cold. Closed the window. That helped a little.

Ugh. I just want to lay down on my desk and sleep for another two hours. I guess those three drinks were a lot stronger then I thought. Now I'm cheating on my diet drinking Gatorade and feeling my alcohol swollen brain pull away from my skull.

How delightful.

Later-- 11:40AM-- The Gatorade worked but good lord, I drank the whole thing and now I'm on sugar overload. I will have to go walking around the lake tonight or something to make up for the enormous amount of sugar i ingested.

Alright, I'm going to sign off for now because I've got very little work to do and even less to say... plus my brain is still shrinking. The incredible shrinking brain...


6/17/2004-- Two times in one month, that's amazing. I'm typing with a brace on my hand because we broke the bed.

Well... I guess it is really it would be more round a bout to "We broke the bed" rather then a direct link.

Kind of like Iraq and Al-Queda.


So we broke the bed (yes, that way) and so I moved the frame out and sprained my wrist and a muscle in my neck.


But not really. I'm wearing this wrist brace and it slows down my typing, which if it was just for this site would not be a big deal.

But I type all day at work, so it can become a problem. Which is not that big of a deal, since kids have been good on the whole for a while. It's because school just ended, or at least that is my theory.

Oh... also?

Two drinks in me. So far, no visible typos. But...

Two drinks in me. So.

So, I guess the point is that M & L's phone is ever charged and I sprained my wrist moving the bed. I moved the bed, and I guess the resistance to from the carpet to the boxsprings was a little more than I thought it would be... hence the sprains.

He needs to quit... .... He's not winning.

So we're doing this Lo-Carb diet, and it's going pretty well. I've lost some pounds & N looks hot with all the loss. Now all I have to do is find an acceptable exercise regime and it will be aaaall good. I was doing Pilates, but the thang is, I don't like to get up early. So whatever it is either has to be very short and result-ful, or in the evening. And lately, in the evening all I want to do is play with the kitties.

L & I just had a conversation about how the ladies always pay for the b.c. even though the lack of conception benefits BOTH parties... and N gave me ten bucks. Which is how much my b.c. costs.


M needs to use the computer. I just have to add, before I go, that I've stolen the "which" from someone else (really good novel, can't remember the name of it now, will post later) and the initials from the Washingtoniennen" and so I've got to give her props.

L wins because she has a paper trail, and she really wants spaghetti.

N would skip lunch for a lot of things.

M skips lunch for strawberries. He didn't know he could have ten!

I don't really skip lunch. I eat something thrown together... at least it ain't thrown up.

I'm down to 157 from 175.

And M needs the computer... so here I go...

(M has a data trail. He claims it's better then the paper trail... I still think L wins...)


06/15/2004-- I appreciate the comments on the poem I posted regarding Ronnie's demise (which didn't shock me, and only made me sad for about thirty seconds, mainly because he was the president of my very early childhood) {I barely remember Carter, considering he was only president for about the first seven months I was alive} and Ray Charles (whose death did shake me up, shook me, rolled me, rattled me). That was a long winded nonsensical sentence- my specialty.

My man loves me, the post below this is my PMS-fears + a good dose of inattentive behavior manifested into self pity and doubt. I'm pretty damn good at that. Lukcily, I haven't perfected or patented it yet, so ya'll have an opportunity to one-up me.

So what's with the blogs??? I've got this site going back to 96! Me and the rest of you before-there-were-bloggers-- you're the hard core crew. Kind of like the folks that showed up to my bbq this weekend. So many people said they were coming, and it turned out to be five of us-- includin me and the man. LAME-O friends of mine-- but I love 'em anyway.

Work is still shite, and the girl here still needs to be sent to the darkest deepest pit of despair (if only that chamber in the Princess Bride was real! I'd drive her there my damn self!) I have been interviewing at various places, but I really don't want to give up all my holidays and sick time and accrued vacation for somewhere that doesn't excite me. I don't want to quit the DA's office and have to go work somewhere that won't let me dye my hair funny (what they consider funny here, but lemme tell ya-- compared to the good ole days, this here Rogue style hairdo is T-A-M-E and slightly lame since all the little baby bats are pulling it out... but... what's a girl to do when Purple is off limits??) or wear my lip ring or studded belts... I'm all about finding a place that fits me and I fit it-- no God crazies need apply. The one job I found that I got excited about turned out to be a little tooooo Christ-friendly... Can't work for a company that contributes money to missionary causes promoting that falsest of falsities (the bible)-- I feel bad enough when my boyfriends family pleads for us to attend the church pageant... (like I'm offending the people there-- i'm all for people having religion... it's BELIEFS that get us in trouble, folks, BELIEFS... too rigid....)

Alright. It's two minutes to five and I want to get home to my new kitties-- they are so damn cute I never want to come to work, just spend the day rolling on the floor with them. Peace. (hopefully.)

04/07/04-- today i am thrilled because there are only two more days that i have to wake up to a screeching alarm and come to this place. i know i should be grateful that i even have a job, but its hard to be cheerful when there are people telling lies about you and spreading rumors. who knows what goes through her mind? not me, and i think i'm done trying to figure it out. i'm just exhausted by the extended conflict, the back and forth, the "she-said-you-said-he-said-she-saw-he-saw-who-said-what" crap. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of working in a place that makes me cry, not just through the horror and depression of what the job actually entails, but the people there.

there's this one DA here, if he wasn't, i probably would have gone postal (to use a cliche) already. luckily he keeps it light hearted, keeps me laughing a little bit, keeps me distracted, but at the same time, there's only so much somebody can do. anyway.

don't know what else to talk about, should i rant about the war-- the one where the mission was accomplished, ha what mission-- should i rant about the crappy governator, the crappy school system, the crappy job, the okay life? and the life is just okay... don't let anybody tell you different.

i'm in love with a man that doesn't speak except to tell me to get out of the way or to stop touching him, or to calm down because i'm too excited about something that is important to me. I'm in love with a man that doesn't really want me, or at least, ninety percent of the time would rather play a video game than play with me. I'm in love with somebody who's main focus is what's on TV at eight o'clock...

my step father, he cracks me up, he says, "you could have a whole secret life" and I could. But I don't. Because I'd just like to make the life I've got a little better. back home