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One morning I went out fishing, it was a windy cool day around 11:30. I decided to use a 4.5" white spoon with a blue reflecting stripe down it . I fished it along the shore of a island and within 5 min I had a nice 10 lb pike on the end.

A good place to fish them is in 3-10 feet of water. Good time is early morning or sun set and after dark.

If you have ever noticed Pikes eyes are on top of there head so they cant really see down, so you shouldent let your lure go too far down but down enough. ie: 1+ feet off bottom.

A good method to catching them is trolling along weed beds and near shore.

If you are going fishing for BIG northern pike, you might want to use a steal lead. Because the Northern pike are know to bite through the line with there sharp teeth.

Here are some good lures to use

1) Rapala original

2) Reef Runner

3) Shad Rap

4) Jig heads with attached action worm

5) Rattlin' Rap

Hints & Tips
Walleye or Pickerel