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Farkk's WebPage

farkk-n.-a person who stands for his/her belief in God... This person isn't afraid to speak,teach or act the Way Jesus would want them to for him... This person is not frigntened by the world and it's darkness, because they know that the Lord is coming to get us soon! I am a farkk...... are you??

~ This year I will strive to be a better christian. I wanted you all to know that!~

Hello to all of you that have come to visit me. I thank you for being able to take time to explore this site. I pray that sometime will strike you as different in this page. I add when I can, but with volunteering, church and school I am kinda busy. I am grateful for all of you who pray for me and hope to get to know you'll better! - Me
Eating Disorders My Poetry Room... Adoption and Abortion
Hi there! Thank you for coming to my home on the web. I hope and pray that I am able to encourage you through my page.... It's so awesome how the Lord can work!!
Little by little I'm adding things........
~ Gemi ~
farkk is my AIM name, feel free to contact me.
My Heart Kenya Page Help them...

If ya don't like the color of the background I have you can always change it!!!! Go on, click on the color you would like instead...
Turqouise Pink Blue
Green White SeaGreen
Magenta Fushia
Sky Blue Strawberry Maroon
Coral Olive Teal Black

Thanks for coming...stay in touch with me..... God bless ya'll!!
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