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Visit now El Eulma HomePage in French version:

What's up in the Wilaya of Setif

  • Introduction:
  • Welcome to my homepage and thank you to have choose it. This web page is for my city El Eulma to inform you all events, news and so on.
    Travel in the Algerian cities it is a great moment and you can discover the real life of my country.



    History of El Eulma
  • Earlier history
  • Ethnic division

  • Geography of Setif
  • Location of Setif
  • Cities near Setif
  • Economic source

  • Memoirs
  • Massacre de Setif
  • October 1961

  • End of Algeria war

  • Activities, life and souk

    Traditonal Musics

    Newspaper of Algeria


    Some links


    History of El Eulma

    Who know, when the'city' have been created before the french settler came. What is the real name of this city'?

    My objectives are to find informations about the history of my city and give you some news, events, related links about El Eulma, if you have any intersting documentations, informations or any witness of El Eulma please contact me.

    During the french occupation, the city named Saint Arnaud. When the war of Algeria end, the city get back her name of the periode of Emir Abdel Kader (1808-1880). In the Algerian dialect old people refer to her as "Satarnaud".

  • Earlier history

  • Numbien
    Phenicien settelment
    Roman Empire Djimila near Setif
    Vandals - Germanic Tribe
    Grec Empire
    Berbersque : Barbe Rousse

  • Ethnics Division

  • - Berbers
    - Arabs
    - Sufi
    - Shawaoui
    - Nomads, Blue men, Twouaregies, Zenetes...

    Geography of Setif

    Q: Where is Algeria ?
    A: Algeria is on the North of Africa near Tunisia and Marocco in the middle of these two country (Maghreb)

  • Locate Setif

  • Setif is on the Southeast of Algeria Oriental, near Kabilia.
    - 390 Km from Algier
    -1200 m of altitude
    - Mediteranneen climate
    - Population 218000 inhabitants
  • Cities near Setif

  • - Constantine 180 Km
    - Batna 220 Km
    - Skikda 260 Km
    - Guelma 260 Km
  • Economics Source

  • - Petrol and Gaz

    Wilaya of Setif some village and town
    - Bazer Sakra
    - Tella
    - Gueta Zarga
    - Bahiza Borg
    - Ezel
    - Bhir Harash
    - Ouled Hagoune
    - Siddi Messaoud...


    - "Massacre de Setif", slaughter of Setif May, 8 to 10 1945.
    >> People of Setif demonstrated against the occupation, french military killed more 15000 peoples.

    - What did it happened in Paris during the day of October, 17, 1961.
    >> 200 peoples have been killed by french police. FLN ( National Front of Liberation) call to Algerians peoples to demonstrate against the curfew and the war in Algeria.

    - 1962 End of Algeria War against french occupation.

    Activities,life, traditions and souk

  • Activities

  • There are a lot of activities in El Eulma such as comercial activity, business and so on.
    Sport is very populare. Algerians like practice one sport for instance: Football, jogging, Karate.... Football is the most practicated sport. And each year everywhere in Algeria, the state organise small tournement in all district of each city. The Final take place in Algier ( End of August).
    * News El Eulma have new ground Stadium ( July, 1997)

  • Traditions and Celebrations

  • Algeria have miscellaneous traditions ( Celebrations, foods, religions...)

  • Celebrations

  • Beginning by Ramadan, fate night, Laid El Sherir, Laid El Khebir, El Hijir ( New Year) 27 April 1998/1418, Achoura and El Mouloud.

    During the month of Ramadan ( fasting month) families prepared varieties of foods for exemple ' Quisera, Berboucha..'
    In the end of Ramadan came El Laid Fitr'r (Sherir) one month later El Laid El Adha (Khebir), muslims celebrate the eve of the hajj. They give some moneys to the poor peoples. The mummies prepared a varied food ( Cherchouja whit cheep), cake (Shmell, Baklawa, Makhrot...)..

  • Souk

  • It is a market who peoples sell a miscellaneous object made by craftmen, you can found clothing, fruits, vegetables... provide by different regions of Algeria.

    Traditional Musics

    Musics are refered to Andalousian, the Maalouf, Arabic berber and Shaabe music.
    - Samir El Eulmi
    Darou Laress
    Djina oua Djena
    Mel car el Taxi...

    - Cheb Razik
    Yallahi ila allah
    Hanani Delali

    Newspapers of Algeria

    - El watan Algier
    - El Acil Constantina
    - Le matin & Le soir Algier
    - Horizon Algier

    Some links

    All Algeria
    Personel Homepage of Aissa


  • History Books
  • - La traverse du siecle Juliette Bessi"
    - Histoire de la guerre d'algerie

  • Cooks Books

  • - Les Gateaux Algerien O Amziane (125 DA)
    Casbah Edition
    15 lots Said Hamdim 16012 Algier

    - Cuisine Algerienne Zohra Bouayed

  • Music Shop

  • - Edition Afric Phono
    Place de la Revolution
    19600 El Eulma

    More informations

    Sign a guess book

    Thank you for Aissa.M, Samir.A, Omar. K

    Written by Rasheed Mechiche 10/12/97 (C)
    LAST UPDATED: 05/04/98
    If you need furthers informations please click here!
