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<bgsound src="sound/savingallmyloveforyou.mid" loop=infinite> Webrings have become a great way to advertise your site and favorite links, and this ring is no different. The CHATDIVA Webring is comprised of sites owned by women who are die-hard chatters.

What separates this webring is the fact that the Chat Divas are a 'family'. We keep in constant contact and make every effort to get to know each other. We celebrate birthdays, support each other through good and bad times. The Divas were brought together by our websites and we're constantly exchanging ideas and resource locations in our bi-monthy newsletter.

Wanna join us? You must be at least 18 years of age. A favorite chat site or room must be highlighted on the webpage, and there must also be an active link to that site. A CHATDIVA should be known for her chatting ability, and for her willingness to assist new chatters in the cyberworld. A personal photo on the homepage is preferred, but not required. While the page does not have to be family oriented, distasteful or "anti-anything" material is prohibited. We want to keep it light and fun!

IMPORTANT! The webring DOES NOT have to appear on page one of your website, but there MUST BE A LINK TO IT THERE. If your page one is artwork only, then there must be a link to the webring in your directory. Don't bury it so deep, no one will ever find it.

Check out part of our Diva Creed;

1. Always smile and greet all newcomers to the room,

2. Never let any prime opportunity to be a smartass pass by,

3. Comment on all jokes of a sexual nature,

4. Let all men under the age of 30 know that women over 30 do have sex....just not with them,

5. Spend as much time as inhumanly possible chatting, forsaking the dishes, the wash, the vaccuuming and the kids if need be, and on occasion, calling into work sick?

If any of the above apply to you, regardless of've come to the right webring!....Welcome Home!

How To Join The Ring:


Submit a site to ChatDiva Net Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:
Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Site Description:
Once your site is submitted and you receive a site ID#, you have 10 days to meet all the requirements. If at the end of the 10 day period your site is still not ready for admission, it will be removed from the queue and you must re-register. This assures the continuity of the webring.


An email containing the HTML fragment will be immediately sent to you within minutes of your submission.

This RingSurf ChatDiva Webring Net Ring
owned by ChatDiva NetRing.

Want to join the CHATDIVA?

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After you have the HTML fragment in place, you must send an email to the ringmaster. The ringmaster will then review your site to make sure everything is in place. You will receive an email once this is done admitting you to the ring. THAT'S IT!

The ChatDiva Database

If you have any questions about this webring or need help, please contact the ringmistress by email or ICQ pager.

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Ring of Masters
This site is owned by Ebonyfire, owner of The CHATDIVA Webring.

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for Webring Managers

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is owned by Ebonyfire.

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Copyright 1997-2002 F.D. Reevers All Rights Reserved