This Joke of the Week we guarantee laughter.
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This Joke of the Week we guarantee laughter.

Driving Man

  • A man and his wife were driving home one night when the guy driving noticed a cop behind him with the lights flashing to pull him over.
  • He told his wife "You just sit there and keep your big mouth shut and talk my way out of this."
  • The cop came to the guy and asked "do you know how fast you were going."
  • Oh, Yes officer as soon as I seen you in my mirror I looked at the speedometer and I was doing the speed limit.
  • His wife replied "I told him to slow down he must've been going 100 or so officer."
  • The man says to his wife "I told you to keep your big mouth shut!"
  • Then the cop said "I also notice you're not wearing your seatbelt."
  • The man said "I can explain officer,When I seen you pulling me over I knew you'd want to see my licence so I took off my seatbelt so I could get it out of my pocket."
  • To that his wife laughed,"He's never worn a seatbelt in his life."
  • The guy yelled,"You stupid bitch!What the hell is wrong with you? Shut your fuckin' mouth!"
  • The cop asked the lady "Does he always talk to you like that?"
  • She replied "No officer,Only when he's Drunk!"
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