Visit my other webpage....
[which is actually my original's also under heavy construction]

Hi! This is going to my "other" page so I can put all the ton of stuff that I wanted on my first page but couldn't fit, here! Okay. This page is under very, very heavy construction, and I don't really know when it'll be done, so keep checking!!! This page is gonna be on Japanese manga and anime...I have another page about it also, but I haven't linked up yet [the other page is better, but i'm a slow, slow worker]. It's gonna be a great page, so you HAVE to come back when it's done!!! Okay? Okay.

Okay...let's see....what am I gonna use this page to talk about? Well.....on the other page is some stuff on Magic Knight Rayearth and other CLAMP stuffs. Oh yeah, and some Watase Yuu stuff, like Fushigi Yuugi and Ayashi no Ceres (both mangas are VERY good...I would go check it out if I were you! That is, unless you already know what it's about. It's good, wouldn't you agree?). So what's left for this page? Plenty! Hmmmm....well at first I was gonna do some stuff on like Sailormoon and Ranma 1/2, but I'm re-thinking about it now because there is just SO much stuff on that already, you know? some stuff on.....Marmalade Boy? El Hazard? Tenchi Muyo? Uhhh....I've just about run out of inspiration today. I might as well use some more CLAMP stuffs here, you know? Yup, that's what I'll do. Like Wish or something. Oh yeah! 20 Menso ni Onegai! It's one of CLAMP's works, but you see hardly any pages that even talk about least, I can't seem to find any! It's really cute and sweet though (don't gag). OH YEAH!!!!! I forgot one of the best things! Rurouni Kenshin! I hafta include some info on that on this page as well.....*sigh* so much to little time.......*grits teeth* so many times kicked off the net for weird reasons!!! =Þ Kay well....about it for today. But don't worry, I'll be back to edit!!

here will be some quotes from my friends, for any of them that happen to blunder upon this site.
*family quotes*

Come again! Come again! =)