
Hello citizen, Tim here. This is my page about one of the best things on earth; PEZ. I collect PEZ Despencers, I have a little over 50 (I haven't bought any recently), and my friend Josh Patterson has more than me (he buys like three at a time, whereas I buy one at a time, I savour my despencer)... But, I feel it is time to forgo my plans for this little site, and go for the jugular with my newest page "PEZ And The Happiness It Brings, And The Pain It causes" So here we go...

Lets start from the beginning...

1.) What is PEZ? (If you do know, like most everyone...skip to two)

PEZ is a candy that comes in despencers of cartoon characters, super heroes, and sometimes movie stars or real people...they have heads you push back, and out pops! a little candy. The flavours are Grape, Strawberry, Lemon, Orange (my favourite), Peppermint, and Cherry (which I never had, cause they don't sell it in America)

2.) Are you a "PEZhead"?

"PEZheads" are fans of Pez, pretty much they always have a despencer in their pocket, or own more than five despencers... here is a test to see if you are one...

1.a) Have you ever have decided not to get a hamburger from the Burger King in the shopping centre, so you can buy a package of PEZ ("It has four Oranges!! I HAVE TO GET IT!!!!)?

2.a) Have you ever broke a date with your girlfriend, cause your spent your money buying the new shipment of PEZ despencers at Target?

3.a) You have spent more then ten seconds pictureing your future kids as having dark brown hair and a dopey grin, and your daughter to have blonde pigtails and another dopey grin, and could give you candy through their necks?

4.a) Can no one find a Pez despencer you don't have, you even have the original Black Batman

5.a) Have you have visited the more than six times?

6.a) Have you ever offered anyone PEZ at a funeral, and didn't understand why everyone got mad?

7.a) Have you ever thought about chaging your name legaly to "Peter PEZ"?

Well...if you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a PEZhead, and to the rest of the world, a loser, but to fellow PEZheads, you're family. Don't feel so bad you got some right, I made it up, so I have to had at least a few happen to me, right?

PEZ, unfortunately, is a menace to the cheery-faced masses. It can be a tool used to ultimate distruction. That it is nothing more then to promote trechiatomys, and you don't want that evil sandwhich with a cartoon character's head staring with maniacaly painted eyes back at you in the face... than click here to see a more darker opinion, much like yours

But....if you have a warm, squshy feeling when you think about PEZ, the delicious (and mildly nutricious) candy from the Saturday morning stars from your childhood, click here to smile and laugh like a kid on a tricycle...ahhh....memorys....

Well...that concludes my page about PEZ...thank you for seeing it to the end, goodbye!

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*the icon and background was borrowed (really stolen) by me, Tim Van Boening, they are property of PEZ inc. So don't think I'm cool..
