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Zorak's Page of EVIL

I am Zorak, Lone Mantis of the Apocalypse, think of me when you look into the night sky.

Brak is my buddy, he's evil. We have to suffer through Space Jerk together. Do you have any gum?

Note: Many of the sounds are in MPEG layer 3 format, download this (for PC) to use these sounds with your current player. l3codecp.exe

mintos.wav I like Mintos, the freshmaker.

stinky.wav My tuna sandwich will get stinky! Space Dork says something stupid too!

funseeker.wav Here is Brak and I talking to Space Ghost, were evil funseekers!

cuzuevil.wav Why Space Ghost doesn't like me. Fear Me!

gum.wav I want gum!

it_is_i.wav IT IS I, ZORAK.

zegypt.wav I'm Egyptian

mean.wav I'm mean.

zorakhistory.wav Hear the story of my life.

biginsult.wav We mantises can insult very well.

skyfall.wav The sky is falling...

flowers.wav Even I like flowers...

whystupid.wav I ask Space Cheese why he's stupid.

goldgirls.wav Space Ghost and I discuss the Golden Girls.

zoofat.wav What happened to Space Dork at the zoo.

threat1.wav I can threaten you...


gum2.wav I discuss gum with Brak and Space Jerk.

nonose.wav I don't have a nose.

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