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Letters of Support

This page contains letters sent to us by others who wish to add their voices to ours. We welcome any mail which expresses your views on the subject of either the right to privacy or the tabloid media. Please mail us with your comments.

The world is aware of our tragedy earlier this year in the UK and for a few days responded with the appropriate disgust. Even the Media showed a modicum of remorse for their part in such a hideous event. However, true to their nature they couldn't resist the opportunity to showcase the event and degrade themselves still further. Within days of Princess Diana's funeral, the shelves were stacked with tabloids, magazines, journals, newspapers, hastily thrown together documentaries etc etc designed to exploit a grieving public and Royal Family. Some sick people even had the audacity to publish the more horrific photographs on the Internet. And while the media had a field day, condemning the paparazzi vultures who seemed to have played such a vital role in the accident, they were beleaguring us with as many images of Diana as they could muster. The sad thing is that the cat and mouse game between celebrity and paparazzi continues unabated. I fully support any move by decent people to end this victimisation. Tabloids are junk, pure and simple - though they're not the only destination of these intrusive images. There are plenty of authorised biographies and autobiographies out there for anyone wishing to know more about their favourite celebrity; why stoop to looking at trash. Sorry if this letter is strongly worded, but that's the way I feel. Hope your website gets the attention it should.
Kate Le Bars - avalon@dial.pipex.dial

I would just like to say congratulations on taking a stand against tabloids, and standing up for what you believe in. I really admire that. I strongly believe in freedom of speech, but tabloid "reporters" have crossed the line between free speech and privacy invasion many times, and I agree that people need to take a stand against them to stop this happening. Thank you for letting me know about your cause, and good luck with getting more supporters.

Melanie -

The cause you are supporting is a very important one, as you say people who are in the public eye are human just like the rest of us, and they require time for themselves as do the rest of us. I am often disgusted at the behaviour of the paprazzi. Incidents here in the uk include a paprazzi photographer secretly photographing Princess Diana RIP working out at her gym. Why did the world need to see that? We know what a gym is like, we kew she went to the gym, did we really have to get those pictures? And look what happened to her. I am totally with George Clooney on this, the tabloid press should be ashamed of themselves, they have their own photographers, why do they need to use paprazzi pictures? To me that just puts themselves down. News is about events and disasters, not who's stayed at who's house last night and who played basketball in his own back yard. I don't care about that, I care about Politics, Entertainment EVENTS not gossip, disasters, wars, famine. These things are important.

OK so keep up the good work girls, maybe if you can change the law over there then the UK will follow suit. I pray for that day. It won't be an easy fight, we'll come up against a lot of power and money, but we can and will win, bacause we are right, and soon everyone will realize that.
Angie -
Enough is enough. I think that it is time that fans stand up for their favorite celebrities. They have a right to their privacy.

I really agree with you.

People like George Clooney and Princess Diana are in the spot light. We watch them on t.v., we read about them in the news. But things have gone to far! They deserve a private life too.

We think Mr.Clooney's privacy and his own life (outside the camera) is a very important thing in a persons life. We don't want people poking around in our lives. Why should professional actors like Mr.Clooney and others like him lives be any different.

Amanda and Carla

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