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Anita Blake Worship Page

This is a HUMUNGOID Danke to the Dude. She knows who she is! *^-^* She's the one that's given me all my pics and even downloaded a crapload of em onto her page. THANKS DUDE!

*BOUNCIEBOUNCIEBOUNCIE!* Guess what time it is children... Update: November 14.

Okay Okay Okay...I KNOW I haven't updated and the page TOTALLY deserved to be updated and I'm SUCH a spaz an all and I'M SORRY! WHAT MORE CAN I SAY!? *whimper*.....STOP STARING AT ME! I REALLY AM SORRY! WAAAAAH! *runs, hides*

Now, y'all know Anita Blake as one of the qoolest people ever known to this universe. She's an insightful character made by Laurell K. Hamilton (a wonderful lady whom I havn't had the pleasure of meeting. How do I know she's wnderful? Look at her imagination. ;) ) in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series. The series of books like Guilty Pleasures, The Laughing Corpse, The Circus of the Damned, The Lunatic Cafe, Bloody Bones, the AWESOME The Killing Dance, Burnt Offerings, and the HIGHLY QOOL BLUE MOON are based in St. Louis, a town populated by vampires, humans, lycanthropes, and other creepy crawlies. The titles of MOST of the books (quietly kicks Stephen King) have a name game going with new places we, the reader, are introduced to.IE: Guilty Pleasures is a vampire strip joint. Laughing Corpse is a comedy club, ect...ect...

The main plot of all the books is first a wouldbe ((IS NOW!!! ^-^!!!!!)) affair between Anita and Jean-Claude, but Anita, the tough-as-nails hardass vampire slayer, wasn't falling for Jean-Claude's charms. Until the beautiful and all nurturing Killing Dance came around. (*thanks Mrs. Hamilton profusely*) Right now there's this little triangle thang happening with Anita, Jean Claude, and Richard, the ever-present werld's-furriest-boyscout-in-training. So far, Anita and Richard have gotten three marks from ol' J.C. and at the moment, Anita would be pretty damn happy if Richard stopped being such an @$$.

As you can probably tell... I'm not a big Richard fan.... In fact... I'm really starting to get annoyed with him. "Of COURSE you can boink the corpse while boinking me, Anita. Just don't be surprised when I start boffing anything in a skirt!" EEEERG. *shmack!* Bleg. Personally...I think she should drop the fuzzball, move straight to Asher. Now if there was any guy who ever NEEDED to be loved... *sappy grin*...

The Anita Blake books (according to the rumors I've heard) will be veering into two seperate series! That means double the fun. ( o.o can we handle anymore?) The first series will go along it's normal lines, the main situation dealing with the vamps and the weres and the walking dead. The second series will go into the fey, like the Seelie and Unseelie court. Qool, ne? =)

Anita Blake, Vampire Executioner
Jean Claude
RPIT, Police Retainer
Animators Inc.
The Vampires
The Weres
The Good Guys and Friends

As something new I wanted to add in LINX! Yay! People who agree wit me and say Ms. H and her clan RAWK should band together and...I dunno...Form a web ring? Oooh...That would rawk... My ideas are just too qool when I'm on caffine, sleep deprivation, and huni-high. (don't ask...just PLEASE don't ask...)
Okee. Now, I'm not asking before making these links, so if anyone has a problem with them being here (the people who created the page), just TELL me. Flames aren't necessary. I'll take it down no prob...assuming i can still recall my page passwerd. I had the DAMNEDEST time trying to figure out what the hell it was! I almost went stark raving looney! ACK! *smacks self* I wuz babbling again, wasn't I? -a chourus of voices- YUP! *shouts at the voices* Ahhhh STOW it. =P~~~~~

1. Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Reading Anita Blake OOOH! Dis one is FUNNY as hell!

2. Midnight Bay I dunno WHERE this one came from, but it's a role-playing place and it seems SOOOO qool that I had to add it in. -blink- Don't look at me like that! It looks like fun! YOU go try it before making any snap decisions, Mr/Missy!

3. Laurell K. Hamilton This was the FIRST LKH page I EVER saw. It still rawks. -starry eyed look-

4. NightChilde This page rawks! GO SEE IT! And don't forget to visit the Nameless Newsletter! Read it, and rejoice! -danciedanciedancie-

Now that this little addition is done, I'll tell you what I hope to have in here before school starts. -looks around, then whispers softly- I want to put a couple of casting call pages up, who I think would make a GREAT actor/actress for the job. -blink- And if you don't like it, TOUGH MUNKEY DOODIES! It'll be a riot for me to do! ^-^!!! Anywho, comments on rawkin actors/actresses/singers n' such would be greatly appreciated! But please, refrain from the Hanson suggestions. I know the world is horrifying, but not THAT horrifying.-grin-

Yeah Yeah....I know I never got around to it, BUT I WILL! ....I just got busy with some other pages I was doing! I'M SORRY! AAAH! HOW MANY TIMES MUST I SAY IT! you....You're BLEEDING me dry! YOU'RE AFTER MY BRAIN! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! What's that you say!? I HAVE no brain!? WHY!...YOU!!!'re prolly right. *pout* butcha didn't hafta be so mean about it...

Now... If you're a NICE person, (or if you just want more ammunition to laugh at my angst :*< ) you can come HERE! It's my main page that links to all my other pages! ^-^!
This is the page that's been consuming all my time though. o.o It's been EATING at me! I SWEAR! It calls out to me in the middle of the night and it makes me TYPE and TYPE and TYPE and I have no control and I get SCARED that if I don't obey it'll electrocute me or something! o.o!!! *whimper* Anywho...Here's the page. The Road To Hell Don't ferget to sign the guestbook!

Okay....Now that yer all the way down here, it prolly means you feel disappointed that there isn't more...WELL THERE IS! HAA HAA HAA HAA!!!! *coff* but it's written by me... WAIT!!! Before you run away I just wanted to say that it's from JEAN CLAUDE'S point of view. *beam* See... My friends and I got to this chat hub... WBS. In there is a role playing place. ^-^ So a buncha friends and I got together, handed out roles, and are now playing the characters! Dope, huh!? Anywho...Here's the next homepage: J.C., Master of the City. It's not much NOW....but SOMEDAY...*gains a teary, willful, and magestic look* WILL be BEAUTIFUL!!!!! *ahem* Hope ya visit and HAVE FUN!!!

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