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BV Solid Steel

A dapple gray Quarter Horse gelding, steps out in style in Western Pleasure.
(CM and Photo by Bayview Studios/Tanis MacDonald)

(Page last updated June 25, 2003)

Welcome ... to the GREAT CANADIAN MODEL HORSE Home page! The basic premise of this page is to create a Canadian presence on the Web, to bring together Canadians who are interested in model horse collecting and showing, and to provide them with more information about the hobby.

Bet you thought that YOU were the only Canadian doing this model horse thing, but guess what?? There are about 150 KNOWN model horse enthusiasts in the hobby! There are some fabulous customizers, talented folks who make tack, accessories and costumes, and model dealers. All in Canada -- no more having to pay U.S. exchange, if you don't want to. Now, you have a choice!

This page will be under construction for some time to come, so if you have any suggestions, contact us and we will see what we can do about implimenting them.

In the meantime, surf around our site and see what you can see! Enjoy!

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Information available - just click!!

Model Horse Publications
Live Shows
Models by Mail Order
Tack; Accessories; Costumes
Artist Works
Photo shows you can enter!
Links to other model horse sites
Canadian Model HorseNet
FREE web pages! It's EASY -- just TRY it!
