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Who am I?

My name is Peter Houghton. I live in Ontario, Canada. I started this page during second year university and strongly beleive in the power of letters to effect social change. I'm almost grown up now and am about to graduate from graduate school. I also consider myself quite a musical person and enjoy dabling with both words and music. My primary insturment is the piano but I play other insturments as well. Outdoors type stuff is kinda cool too. Feel free to check out my blog.

How to contact me

The best way to get a hold of me is through my feedback page. If you have tried to contact me in the past, I'm really really sorry if you did not get a reply. Unfortunately I completely forgot to update my info on this page when I was forced to change addresses. Hopefully this webform will help!

get this gear!

Why this page?

While I never had to suffer with uniforms. My two younger brothers are currently or have had to in the past wear uniforms in the school setting. There was a big debate while I was in OAC as whether or not to introduce them to the school (OAC was Ontario, Canada's infamous Grade 13 that was required to get into university. It has since been eliminated . Ultimately due to administration and PTA support uniforms were introduced the year after I left. I have nothing but praise and support for the staff at my old highschool. They were great people and treated me with dignity and respect and gave me the opportunity to strive to my full potential. I'll never understand why they introduced uniforms. I guess this page is a constructive way for me to vent my opinions.

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