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There Is No Honor Without Knowledge

Bushido is the samurai code of honor. It was a strict and rigid code of ethics and morals that became the way of life for the warrior. Through training and dedication, the samurai became the most respected and the most feard of adversaries. The shaman is the holyman of the native tribes of what is now known as America. A Medicine man and sometimes leader, the shaman was closely tied to an animal totem and a spirit animal. The animal guided his life and protected him in his time of need. Hi, I'm Erin. Many of my friends have called me an old soul. They believe that I have lived many times and continue to gain knowledge throughout the years. I don't know if that's true, but I have been known to have the answers to the unspoken question. For someone 20 years old I am well read in the customs of many of the worlds cultures and of their history. I am a blend of the honor of the Japanese, the imdominable spirit of South Korea, the warriors pride of the American Indians and the personal pride of the Africans. The last two come easier because of my blood ties to both. I am Ronin (pronounced row-neen), that is to say a Samurai without a master. I'm a towering man at 6'6", 186 lbs (recently lost a few, don't worry. It'll be back). I'm a bit of a giant, but a gentle one. I'm an artist and I have recently opened a gallery here of some of my work. I do mostly portraits and will put the picture of the subject alongside them, if they will allow me. Feel free to look around and if you'd like me to do your portrait, please e-mail me a pic or e-mail me and i'll send you my adress.

Not To Be Missed

My Favorite Links

The force will be with you, always
any movies, any title, anything, period
One of my best friends
Welcome to the Gallery
Welcome to the Armory
Welcome to the Haven of the Blade
