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Bonnie's Room

Hi all! Welcome to my room. Sit back, relax, and let me tell you a little bit about moi! (That is why you're here, right?) *grin* My name is Bonnie, I was born on April 16th, 1971 and am from New Brunswick, Canada. I'm recently divorced which was hard at first, but it's made me a stronger person. I will try to come back here to jazz up the page every now and then so please check back from time to time. Have a great day!!

A Sort-of-Bio-Thingy



  • Grumpy people
  • Boring Weekends
  • Racism
  • Bad hair days
  • Inconsiderate Drivers
  • People who answer a question with a question
  • Shallow people
  • Having an empty email-box
  • Being taken for granted
  • Money, or the lack of it

Even though I haven't chatted in Alamak for a while, I would still like to say hey to a few of my old pals from my "Mustang Sally" days, heh heh
In no particular order........
caspia *huggggg*, marriedchick *endless supply of crayons*,
Skypilot (aka BlackAngel aka EverClear *hic*)*Love ya babe*, Chatman *licks n' kisses*,
TruckDriver *keep it between the hydro poles*,
Venuss *my sister, hug*, Doad *smile*,
Branden *lemme at those dimples,*,
SierraLynn *pretty in pink, hug*, tracy_br *I'm NOT a camel*,
Bilby AND his cousin Bronco Bilby *silly boy, kotc*

Huge huge *huggles* to all: Walrus, Patti, Freesia, Cowboy, kymmie, Cervantes, God, Celenoid, lyzz, Slovar, netjunkie, Worf, Dana, Grog, zorro, BUDDY, Dianna, Miss_Liz, Liselle, jules, Rich, linziemaree, Ritchie, bruhaha, Julene, Carnal.

I'm sure I forgot about 100 names, so if you feel the need to be here, and well you should, give me a hollar if you can track me down! *HUG*

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"Love can sweep you off your feet and carry you along in a way you've never known before. But the ride always ends. And you end up feeling lonely and bitter. Wait. It's not love I'm describing. I'm thinking of a monorail."-- "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey

Last updated: June 1999

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