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archaic opera news

February, 1999

Well, again due to the sheer amount of time spent writing and recording and overdubbing and re-recording, etc. we missed a month here.

Something weird hit us in January and we wrote about six new songs; which of course put us off track for the release of the full length (again). Sorry, everyone, but we can't fight those artistic rushes! Especially when there's so little time these days to cultivate them. I'm sure March will see us putting final touches on the writing aspect of these new songs and recording will resume shortly thereafter.
So again, it's looking another couple months away, yet. Hey, you can't hurry greatness, right?! :)

December, 1998

As the end of the year draws near we're proud to announce that we've finished the EP! While it's obviously not a million dollar production, we're quite proud of our work. And considering some of the obstacles we faced this last year, it's a wonder anything came out at all!

Due to an enormous response from some new friends on the internet, we'll be making the EP available to everyone who's interested for a limited time only. More next month on that!

November, 1998

Last month was CRAZY! No update for October, but this month we'll be releasing the EP to family and friends, so we'll be hard at work for some time!

As usual, more songs are in the works for the full-length. We're still trying to decide if we'll be adding full-time female vocals to Archaic Opera. For the time being though, we've found a special guest who doesn't mind being our test subject!

September, 1998

Due to some unforseen circumstances, we'll be delaying the release of the EP for about two months. Hopefully we can get it ready by mid-November; we'll keep ya posted!!

More songs are in the works for the full-length and the roster for the album changes daily. The end result should be quite interesting!

August, 1998

Wow! Have we been busy!!

First and foremost, thanks to our friends at Highball Records we will be releasing a two song demo EP, available on cassette and CD soon. Work also remains steady on the forthcoming full-length album.

We've finished work on "The Enigma"!! Yes the song that has gone through numerous title changes in the past few months has finally been completed. It's the first Archaic Opera song to feature audio samples and judging from the reaction we're getting from a select group of fans, this song has GREAT potential! One of our more "up-tempo" songs, the only negative responses we got is that it's too short; even though it's clocking in at almost seven minutes! (perhaps we should've made it longer?)

The rest of the month should see us putting the finishing touches on our EP, and mastering the tapes at Conspiracy Studios in sunny California. In the meantime, check out the new samples HERE, including the all new, soon-to-be hit "The Enigma".

July, 1998

Well, July has seen us hard at work, still on the album!

Recording has begun on a new song entitled "Once In Your Life". We have decided to take a new approach to the vocals for this song. Keyboardist Roger Haworth and guitarist Brent Zurla will both share lead vocal duties, while special background vocals are being added by Janet Haworth. The song will also feature a rare appearance by the Toxic Men's Choir. Demo samples are now available HERE, however the song will not be completed for the next few weeks.

Keep checking back for the updated (and hopefully final) version!

June, 1998

Unfortunately we have found ourselves again searching high and low for a new vocalist. With the departure of Melanie Sweet, we're pressing on.

While we are looking for a dedicated lead singer who will be able to handle the pratfalls that entertainment professionals must endure, we will continue with the recording as scheduled. Work is beginning on two new songs to be added to our ever-growing list of "songs-to-be".

If you or someone you know are interested in trying out for Archaic Opera, please e-mail us at

Hopefully July will bring better things. Until then, sit back and enjoy the current demos HERE.

May, 1998

Vocals are almost finished for "Cold Like This". After mastering the song, we will make the single available to friends and family. In the meantime there will be demo versions of the song available HERE

April, 1998

Melanie Sweet has joined Archaic Opera as lead vocalist! Melanie's talented voice and true admiration for the music has made her the prime choice as our newest member. Melanie has begun recording demo tracks with us, first on the song "Cold Like This". Check out demos of the song HERE.

March, 1998

Archaic Opera is featured on the website as a featured artist. The website is intended to provide exposure to up-and-coming bands from Southeastern Michigan and provides search tools for artists and upcoming shows in the area. The site is located at

If your looking for new Detroit music, this is the place to be!

February, 1998

Brent Zurla has joined as the guitarist for Archaic Opera. Having recently left his former band, Zurla brings a fresh new sound to Archaic Opera. Roger Haworth made the announcement today, stating "Brent and I have been in contact for many years, but we've both been busy with our own projects. We realize we've been wasting a lot of time and that perhaps the solution to both our problems was right in front of us. He has incredible talent."

Two new songs have already been written and plans are in the works to record them specifically for the Archaic Opera web site. A photo shoot will be upcoming with pictures to appear at the site. As of today, work on the new album is still ongoing and the timeframe has not changed.

January, 1998

The Archaic Opera website has been completely re-designed. Major changes include complete site re-construction, seperate sample pages for each featured song (soon to include lyrics for each song), graphics added to links page and an overall improved access time.

More changes are to come as new songs will be added in the very near future.

We have also been featured on the "Real World" section of the Mountain Empire webpage. The site is dedicated to musicians and bands who site the band Queensryche as one of their primary influences. The site's creator Della B. states, "...these guys are Great - give 'em a listen!!" The Mountain Empire is located at

December, 1997

The "Official Archaic Opera Homepage" has been completed and is up and running at The site will be used as a tool for exposing Archaic Opera's music to a broader audience. Updates will be forthcoming.

We have signed a promotional deal with Highball Records out of Burbank, CA. The deal will help Archaic Opera in marketing our music. Plans of a Highball Records compilation CD are in the works and will possibly include four complete songs from Archaic Opera. Writing of our debut album is scheduled to be completed in late spring of 1998, while recording may begin as early as September, 1998.

Highball Records is located at

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