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Ode on a Grecian Urn

It was strange how when held up to the absolute phrase - the one toy I really want-- nothing quite filled the hole that was opening wide inside Sandi. Not the doll whose long hair you could roll and comb into hairdos, not the loom for making pot holders that Mami was so thankful for, not the glass dome that you turned over and pretty flakes fell on a little red house in the woods. Nothing would quite fill that need, even years after, not the pretty woman she would surprise herself by becoming, not the prizes for her schoolwork and scholarships to study now this and now that she couldn't decide to stay with, not the men that held her close and almost convinced her when their mouths came down hard on her lips that this, this was what Sandi had been missing.
-from How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents
by Julia Alvarez

And, as I watched the Lincoln come by degrees to a relationship with what it saw, I understoood something: the basis of life is not a greed to exist, not a desire of any kind. It's fear, the fear which I saw here. And not even fear; much worse. Absolute dread. Paralyzing dread so great as to produce apathy. Yet the Lincoln stirred, rose out of this. Why? Because it had to. Movement, action, were implied by the extensiveness of the dread. That state, by its own nature, could not be endured.

All the activity of life was an effort to relieve this one state. Attempts to mitigate the condition which we saw before us now.

"Hell," I said, "love is an American cult. We take it too seriously; it's practically a national religion."
-from We Can Build You
by Philip K. Dick
Whatever his past actions, whatever his present course, at least you may be certain that he loved you.

But not enough. Not enough.

-from the screenplay of Sense and Sensibility
by Emma Thompson, after Jane Austen

The Story So Far

World War II
Film and Television
Comic Books
18th Century French Costume
My thoughts on Gen X
My Life in Links
My Sister's Page
The Kordek Agency- where I interned

Stuff I Wanna Add

Goth code! Hahahahahahahha: zajiba7iaWaaiaaaabaa24g$BLGFvZZZaybzbZaa6aaaeb7a4aGq5bKaGaajeecL4dabhgjxmk1baaeNaqrRSUZaaaaabeusCA

Help my sister and me earn money and get these books from B&

The Vampire Tapestry
Author: Suzy McKee Charnas
A kickass book. Read it.

Pandora: New Tales of the Vampires

Author: Anne Rice
Publisher: Random House, Incorporated
Date Published: March 1998
The memoir of a 2,000- year-old vampire now living in Paris, recounting her early years. She is Pandora, daughter of a Roman senator in 1st century BC. After two unsuccessful marriages, she accompanies her exiled father to Antioch where she has a love affair with a vampire and becomes one herself.

Anne Rice
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf Incorporated
A woman from New Orleans steals a violin from a ghost and becomes the musician she always wanted, finding herself acclaimed on two continents. Part fantasy, part reality.
Interview With the Vampire
