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Join The Anime Mania Ring!

Here are the folling requirementss to join the Ring:

1. You must own an Anime related Webpage

2. It should not only be text, it should also have some Images

3. You must have the HTML fragment on your front page, and not on any "My Rings Page"

4. If you do have the HTML fragment on your page after a week, you will automatically be removed from the queue.

If your Homepage meets all the Qualifications then your next step will be to: Fill in all the wished Information, and Copy the Html Fragment (which will be sent to you per Email and will be given to you after filling out the form already customized for you) onto your Homepage!! If you lose the HTML Fragment, than Click Here to get it, but it won't be customized for your site.

Submit site to The Anime Mania Ring
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Members! Click here to go to the queue to add a site to the ring if they ask you.

If your not added to the Ring within 5 days, please email me at, or email a member already in the Ring and ask them politely.

Are you already a member, and you want to edit your site information? (such as descriptions, keywords, password, email, etc.)
Site ID:

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This Anime Mania Ring Site is owned by
Jerry Vu

Want to join the The Anime Mania Ring?
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