This is a collection of interesting clippings and news stories from various magazines or newspapers I've typed up. If you have any and would be willing to type them, please let me know!

What a guy:Noel Gallagher took a young fan, Celida Mafarda, into his home after she'd been outside for four days. After giving her a cup of tea, he booked her into a hotel and slipper her £140 for food and a train ticket home. A career in social services awaits.
-From Select Magazine

HOW TO MEET LIAM GALLAGHER(you can apply this to Noel too!)
Step 1-dress down:
Liam wears really casual clothes, so don't go making too much of an effort. When I met him, I looked kinda normal - big, baggy men's trousers, my one-shoulder top and a pretty normal coat.

Step 2-be kick-busting confident:
You're far more likely to nab his attention of Mr Gallagher (or any guy for that matter) if you're feeling good inside. So repeat, "I am gorgeous," a hundred times, then hold your head high and walk with confidence.

Step 3-avoid crowds
Steer clear of places where Liam's likely to be surrounded by a)thousands of fans; b)loads of bouncers; or c)Patsy. He's unlikely to notice you and even if he does, you'll have to compete with the rest of the rabble for his attention. So avoid gigs/press conferences/standing outside his house - instead, aim to bump into him when he's on his lonesome.

Step 4-go shopping
Fact: popstars go shopping (well they have to do something with all that dosh) so it's worth your while taking up window shopping in a big way! My very own Liam experience happened while I was browsing through hip clothes shops Diesel in London's Covent Garden.

Step 5-get noticed:
Once you've spotted Liam, you'll need to get him to notice you! I queue-barged my way up to the till only to hear someone say, "are you pushing in?" It was Liam, standing right behind me!

Step 6:keep cool
If Liam speaks to you, it's quite reasonable to go faint with shock, but try to keep calm. Just be yourself and remember that he's an ordinary human being aswell as a drop-dead gorgeous saucepot!

Step 7:do him a favour
Helping any boy always goes down a treat (and makes you feel fab too). Liam wanted to know where this cool shop called Home was and, luckily, I knew, so I told him, rendering myself indispensable in an instant!

Step 8:fix your next date:
Unfortunately, I haven't quite cracked this stage yet! You see, once Liam had whipped out his gold credit card and made his purchases, we said our good-byes and he was out of that door! Sob! So, if you ever manage to snaffle Liam for a mad night out, let me know your secret...
-by Josie J'Arby from Sugar magazine
Don't ring there intercoms at there homes or write on there property. They hate that. You also have a much better chance of meeting Liam if Patsy's not home, she hates Oasis fans.
-courtesy of Christina from The Meg Rock Club.

Michelle Frost was too ill to even leave her bedroom, until Liam and Noel stepped in.

The First time I heard Oasis on the radio, I stopped what I was doing and just listened - they were brilliant. From then on, Oasis meant everything to me.

I'd never liked Take That or Boyzone - I was into band my friends hadn't even heard of. Some people at school called me Grunger, but it didn't worry me until a group of older girls started picking on me.

At first, I just ignored them. But one night after school, they dragged me to the floor and beat me up, I still feel ill when I think about it - I don't know why they did such a thing.

I stayed off school for the rest of the week, just crying, but the bullying carried on when I went back. It got the the point where I couldn't take any more, so one night I told my mum that I wasn't going back to school again.

Mum rang the school, but they didn't do anything about the bullies. They just said I had to go back. But I couldn't. I was finding it harder to go outside. I thought everyone was against me and if I went out people would hurt me.

I'd stay at home all day. It got so bad that I found it difficult to leave me bedroom. I even convinced myself that my family was against me too, so I locked myself away and listened to Oasis. Looking back, I didn't think anything was seriously wrong - I just couldn't go out, that was all.

Mum took me to the doctor and he said I had agoraphobia - a fear of public places and open spaces. He said it had been triggered by off by being bullied and beaten up.

I was referred to a psychologist who seemed determined to have me locked up in a mental hospital. He said I was a danger to myself. I was terrified of him and felt even worse afterwards.

Once the education authorities realized that I was in no state to return to school they sent me a tutor, Angela. At first I didn't want to talk to her, but she managed to get me to open up. It was like talking to a friend - I told her how much I loved Oasis and that I listened to them all the time. I explained they were the only good thing in my life.

She completely understood. She took me to a unit where problem kids are taught and I had a few lessons there so I could get used to being around other people again. Everyone was great. They'd all had similar problems, so they related to how I was feeling.

But then, just a week before Christmas, Angela gave me the shock of my life.

'Michelle,' she said. 'I've got a present for you.'

I didn't know what to say because I hadn't bought anything for her.

'Well, it's not exactly from me,' she teased. 'It's from two young men who I know you'd love to receive a present from.'

She had to be talking about Oasis. When I opened my present I was ecstatic - -it was a massive poster signed by Liam and Noel!

Angela told me that her husband knew Oasis's manager and had asked them to sign the poster specially for me. They knew what was wrong with me and what a difference their gesture would make to my life. I didn't care about all my other Christmas presents because I already had the perfect gift.

I couldn't believe it - the band knew about me and wanted to help.

From then on I started to feel better about myself. I still couldn't face going to school full time, but I slowly began going to more lessons at the unit and even to a few at school.

A couple of months later, Oasis announced their Knebworth concert. Even though I was still agoraphobic, I just knew I had to see them. I tried not to think about the thousands of other people who'd be there 'cause I was still feeling paranoid and thought that everyone had it in for me.

Although I'd heard the concert had sold out my sister Juliet was able to get a hold of tickets - I was going to see Oasis in the flesh! I was so excited, I couldn't wait!

But the doctors thought it was a bad idea and told my mum she shouldn't let me go because I wouldn't be able to cope with all the people. They said it would make me feel even worse.

Nothing was going to stop me, though, I didn't care how frightening I'd find it.

When the day of the concert arrived, I woke up scared, but I tried not to let the fear get to me. We were going to Knebworth by coach. As soon as we got to the bus stop I started to feel anxious. But I had to prove to myself that I could overcome my fear.

I calmed down on the journey, knowing I had to face thousands of people when we got there. When I arrived I was petrified.

We moved into the park and I began to relax. The atmosphere was completely different. I didn't feel paranoid. I knew all those people were there for the same reason as me, and that they didn't have anything against me. We were all there because we loved Oasis. It was a brilliant sensation.

Juliet said I was like a different person that day. She's usually the outgoing one, but this time, I was in charge. I led her to the front of the stage - the best place to see the video screens.

The gig was great. I spent the whole time jumping up and down and singing along. I never felt panicky and went home on a real high.

Going to the concert was a huge step for me. It helped me overcome my fears. I'm still agoraphobic, but I feel a lot better. I still have a tutor, but I'm taking more lessons in school and I'm more sociable. The fact I can talk about what I've gone through proves I'm getting better.

If it hadn't been for Oasis, I would never have had the courage to face my fears at Knebworth. I don't know what would've happened without my wonderband!
-From Bliss Magazine