Yes that's right, Noel did his very first interview by e-mail with Select magazine. Does this mean Noel's online? Maybe, maybe not. But don't believe anyone who tells you their Noel! He would most likely not give away his addy and there are plenty of idiots who like to pose as him.

Q "What's your album of the 90's?"
A " 1 DM/Morning Glory/BHN
2 Nevermind - Nirvana
3 Stanley Road- Weller
4 Urban Hymns - Verve
5 Moseley Shoals - OCS
6 Dig Your Own Hole - Chemical Bros
7 The Bends - Radiohead
8 Give Out But Don't Give Up - The Scream
9 When I Was Born.... - Cornershop
10 Check Your Head - Beastie Boys"

Q "Film of the 90's?"
A "Pulp Fiction"

Q "Most impressive place you've visited?"
A "Mexico City."

Q "Opinions on Diana's death?"
A " Little Insignificant Tale Of A Posh Bird Bird gets born, bird's family live off the poor, bird marries into The Royal Family, bird's new family's whole history is to live off the poor, bird doesn't mind this at all, bird then gets a concsience, walks through minefields (and if you believe that, you'll believe that, you'll believe anything), bird dies in crash. The End.

Q "Have you got a PC?"
A "What do you think? Unless of course you mean Penis Crustations?"(don't even wanna know!)

Q "Supernova Heights- a Graceland for the 90's?"
A "A Disgraceland for the 90s"

Q " Any regrets about BHN?"
A "Too many overdubs, songs too long, but not really any regrets, no."

Q "What would you say to those who were down on it?"
A "We knew you didn't like us in the first place."

Q "And those among your fanbase?"
A "Fuck off, don't come back and don't buy the next one (fickle twats!)"

Q "Ever though about going solo?"
A "Oh yes! I probably will do a record soon, but it would only be a record. I wouldn't never leave the band for too long, they'd all cry."

Q "Where is pop music heading?"
A "Up Robbie Williams' fat arse."